Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
4.9.5 Blind
Single-button function
Two-button function
The blind function is used to control shutter actuators, which can be used for the adjustment and
control of blinds/shutters.
The following picture shows the available settings (here two-button function):
Figure 59: Settings - Blind/Shutter
The table below shows all available settings:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Assignment of push
Only available for
Two-button function!
Setting the key assignment
(left/right button) for the
up/down function
Operation function
Long=move /
Short=Stop/Slats Up/Down
Short=move /
Long=Stop/Slats Up/Down
Short=Up/Down/Stop (MDT
Single Object Control)
Short=Up/Down/Stop /
Long = central object (MDT
Single Object Control)
Setting whether to move with a
long key or with a short key;
MDT Single Object Control is
only available for the two-
button function
Table 102: Settings - Blind/Shutter
Two communication objects are displayed for the "blind" function: the object "Stop/slat open/close"
and the object "blinds up/down “.
The moving object is used to move the blinds/shutters up and down. The stop/step object is used to
adjust the slats. In addition, this function stops the up/down movement as far as the end position has
not yet been reached.
In the case of the two-button function, the key assignment can be set; the table below shows the
Table 103: Two-button function - Blind function
The one-button function is used to toggle between the up and down movement after each keystroke.
Function Up/Down
Function Down/Up
Push button left
Push button right
Push button left
Push button right
Moving object
Stop/Step object
Stop/slats open
Stop/slats close
Stop/slats close
Stop/slats open