Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
Functional principle:
The function "shift value" moves the set datapoint type within the set limits. When the "Down"
button is pressed, the set step width is subtracted from the last value and sent. When the "Up"
button is pressed, the set step width is added to the last value and sent.
Lower/Upper limit:
Within these limits, the value is shifted. The function never falls below the lower limit value and does
not exceed the upper limit value.
Step width:
The step width indicates the difference between two transmitted telegrams. Example: step witdth is
set to 10%. If the value 10% was sent with the previous transmission, the value 20% is sent with the
next "up" command..
Repeated sending at pressed key:
Repeated transmission while holding down the key allows the function to increase/decrease the
value until the upper/lower limit is reached.
Switching considers status object:
If the status value is taken into account, the key function sends the next value depending on the last
received status value. If a status value of 15% and a step size of 10% were selected, then the value of
25% would be sent with the next "up" command. If the status value is not taken into account, the
push button memorizes the last value that was sent and sends the next value regardless of the status
Die nachfolgende Tabelle zeigt die verfügbaren Kommunikationsobjekte:
Number Name
Length Usage
Function 1
percent value/decimal value
1 Byte
Sending the switching value; DPT
depending on the parameter setting
Function 1
State for display
1 Byte
Receiving the status; DPT depending on the
parameter setting
Table 124: Communitcation objects "send values" - Shift value