F5 3D Imaging System User Manual
The Imager has a simultaneous working range of 60 cm to 4 m (24 " to 160").
The Rec/Stop Trigger button (also called the Index Finger button) enables you to
start and stop scanning.
The Thumb button enables you to navigate through the scanner calibrating
process (see pg. 117).
The Laser button allow you to enable/disable the connection between the
scanner and the KaplaVision software (see
The F5-B Imager has one socket that allows you to either connect it with USB 3.0
to the workstation, or charge it to using a power source. The scanned videos are
stored on the workstation.
In order to operate, it must be connected via a USB 3.0 cable to a Windows-based
workstation, on which the KaplaVision application is installed.