F5 3D Imaging System User Manual
Enables you to create a Mesh file from the finalized captured scene. The mesh file
will be saved as a STL file and will be located at the initial file folder.
Figure 46b: Mesh creating options
Recon. Depth: sets the desire depth of the reconstruction of the point
cloud model.
Octree Depth: sets the number of model analyzed frames.
The higher the number the Octree Depth parameter is set the more
importance is put on each point. This will also mean exponentially longer
mesh times. The lower the Octree Depth number, the less importance
each individual point has.
Surface Trim: Cut and delete selected portions of the captured scene.
Measurement tool
The Measurement tool tab enables you to measure the distance or the angle
between several geometric options and also review your measuring history.
The distance can be shown in different units by selecting from the drop list