Mackie DL1608 Reference Guide V1.2
Let’s walk through the various ways to connect an iPad to a DL1608. The fi rst step is easy...turn the page!
Offl ine
— This is what the devices list displays when you fi rst fi re up the Master Fader app (before
the iPad is connected to the DL1608 and prior to the mixer being connected to the Wi-Fi router).
The “Work Offl ine/Demo” device is selected and highlighted blue. This is about as basic as the devices
screen gets, so it seems like a great place to start! In this particular case, there is nothing else to choose
from; in fact, try to select the wired connection by tapping it. Notice that it just bounces back to offl ine.
The wired mixer is grayed out indicating that it is not available for selection. This is because there is no
wired device, nor any wireless options at this point. This mode is perfect for confi guring a complete
show offl ine or to test drive the Master Fader app before buying the accompanying DL1608.
Wired I
— Slide the iPad into the mixer. You will see that the wired device changes to display the name
of the DL1608 console and it is automatically selected. When this happens, a pop-up appears indicating
that the console is connecting and synchronizing the current show and then the current state.
If the current show on the Master Fader app diff ers from the show on the
DL1608, they must be synchronized. You will be prompted to choose
between using the current show on the DL1608 or the iPad (as shown
in the image to the right). Or you may choose to go offl ine to fi gure things out
before deciding which show to use. Pulling FROM the
will copy the current
show TO the iPad – if it isn’t already present in the show list – and make it the current
show. Note that the previous current show on the iPad is replaced, so be sure you
have a saved copy of it fi rst by going offl ine. Then reconnect and pull the show at
the pop-up. If you decide to push the current show FROM the
TO the DL1608,
the current show in the DL1608 will be replaced. Either choice will take about two
seconds per snapshot to synchronize the shows. See pages 84-85 for more about the current show.
Switch between the offl ine and wired device selections and notice that the Master Fader app re syncs
with the console’s current state every time you reconnect. The DL1608 is shown in full color in both