Mackie DL1608 Reference Guide V1.2
Shelf / Bell
A Shelf / Bell option is available on bands 1 and 4. Simply tap which setting you prefer.
The chosen setting will illuminate green when engaged, while the other option will be grayed out.
When engaged, the EQ becomes a shelving fi lter rather than a parametric fi lter. Shelf boosts
frequencies from the cut-off point upwards. A gentle roll-off may be assumed with shelf.
The Q control becomes inactive when shelf is engaged.
Shelf EQ
Bell boosts frequencies near the cut-off point then slowly decreases until it reaches a gain of zero.
When engaged, the EQ becomes a parametric fi lter rather than a shelving fi lter. The Q control
becomes active when bell is engaged. In fact, a smaller Q value results in a wider curve, while a
larger Q value results in a narrower curve where frequencies may be zoomed in on more precisely.
A smaller Q is generally intended for more musical purposes, while a larger Q is generally used when
decreasing problem frequencies.
Bell EQ
Gain (+)
Gain (–)
Frequency (+)
Frequency (–)
Gain (+)
Gain (–)
Frequency (+)
Frequency (–)