Database Administration
Call Data Tables
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507
Issue 3 April 2000 200
SUM_TOT is a numeric field that indicates the number of calls transferred
or outdialed in this period with this disposition and associated telephone
RESULT_CODE is a variable-length character field that indicates the
disposition of the call. This field can be 1 or more characters in length.
Records are generated on a per-hour, per-telephone number, and
per-result_code basis.
CALL Table
The CALL table contains the following information:
CID is a numeric field that specifies a unique identification number that
joins one CALL.CID to multiple SERVICE.CID.
CHANNEL is a positive numeric field that specifies the channel number
on which the call was running. This field can be up to 3 digits in length.
START_TIME is a date field that specifies the starting time of each call.
END_TIME is a date field that specifies the ending time of each call.