Common Administration
Reports Administration
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507
Issue 3 April 2000 336
Originating software process; messages are divided into subgroups according to the
software process that outputs the messages. The following is a sample of possible
The call data handler (CDH) process accumulates generic call statistics and
application messages.
The data interface process (DIP).
The maintenance (MTC) process runs temporary diagnostics.
The transaction state machine (TSM) process controls transactions via script
execution and commands.
The voice response output process (VROP) manages speech data base and
downloads speech data to VRU.
The DIO processes are the disk input/output for VROP.
The T1 interface process (TWIP).
The speech processing interface process (SPIP).
The integrity checking (iCk) process.
Table 25.
Entry Description for the Message Log Report
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