Transmitting / Receiving Protocol
This communication protocol transmits and receives 1-byte ASCII data representation for each Command,
Set ID, and Data character. Therefore, a standard ASCII terminal program can be used to send and receive
the protocol.
Command Structure
[Command1][Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][CR]
The following table describes the parameters.
[Command 1]
First part of command to control the TV: j, k, m, or x. Corresponding transmission
data of 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6D, or 0x78, respectively.
[Command 2]
Second part of command to control the TV.
[Set ID]
Choose the [Set ID] value to match the Set ID number in the General Menu.
The Set
ID valid range is decimal 1 to 99. If the [Set ID] value is sent as [00], every connected
display will act on the command.
The [Set ID] value should be entered in an ASCII terminal program as
hexadecimal 00 to 63 values; however, note that each character of the hexadecimal
value is transmitted as the ASCII value of that character.
For example:
[00] since ASCII 0=0x30, would be sent as “3030”
[0A] since ASCII A=0x41, would be sent as “3041”
[63] since ASCII 6=0x36 & ASCII 3=0x33, would be sent as “3633”
Enter the command’s
required data (hexadecimal—see [Set ID] note above for
correct translation). Enter Data [FF] to read status of the function.
Carriage Return (ASCII value 0x0D)
[ ]
Space (ASCII value 0x20)
OK Acknowledgment
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
The display responds with OK acknowledgment in the format shown above after receiving valid Command
and Data values. The [Data] value in the response is either the current status (if Data [FF] was sent) or the
[Data] value that was sent in the acknowledged control command.
Error Acknowledgment
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data][x]
The display responds with NG (error) acknowledgment in the format shown above after receiving abnormal
data from non-viable functions or communication errors. The [Data] value in the response is the [Data] value
that was sent in the acknowledged control command.
Reference: TLT Communication Parameters (Cont.)