Installer Menu (Cont.)
Specifies entry sequence to the Installer Menu.
0 = 9876
1 = 4321
2 = 1478
3 = 3698
001 - POWER MANAGE (Power Management)
Energy saving feature. Determines the number of hours, in the
range 1 to 7, of inactivity allowed, either at the TV control panel
or from the remote, before the TV automatically turns itself OFF. If
set to 0, Power Management is disabled.
002 - AC ON (AC Power Switchable)
Determines the status of the TV when AC power is applied. Set to
0 (default) for standard TV turn ON/OFF operation. Set to 16 if you
would like the TV to turn ON the first time AC power is applied,
which the TV will be configured for standard ON/OFF operation.
Set to 2, 3, 18, or 19 to enable the Instant ON feature, as required.
The Instant ON feature allows the TV to turn ON when AC power
is applied, but with video and audio muted (Muted ON). The TV
remains powered ON while appearing to be OFF. Pressing the
POWER button toggles off/on the video and audio mutes, so that
the TV appears to turn ON instantly. Set to the appropriate value
to enable Instant ON with reboot (value 2 or 18) or Instant ON
without reboot (value 3 or 19), respectively. See bullets below for
further information on reboot functionality. See also note below.
Values 2 and 3 represent standard Instant ON functionality;
i.e., when AC power is applied, the TV is in a Muted ON state. If
set to 18 or 19, the Instant ON feature allows the TV to turn ON,
without muting video and audio, when AC power is initially applied.
Instant ON with reboot: The TV will reboot and, if applicable (i.e.,
item 119 DATA CHANNEL set from 1 to 135 or 253), check for
and download any available updates from the Pro:Centric server
at every turn OFF. This setting is not recommended if the TV will
be configured with a resident application.
Instant ON without reboot: The TV will not reboot to check for and
download updates at turn OFF, with the following exception: the
first time the TV is turned OFF after this item is set to 3 or 19, the
TV will reboot and initiate an update event (Data Channel Auto
Search and/or check for and download of updates—see also
paragraph below). This setting is recommended if the TV will be
configured with a resident application. In this mode,
the standard
check for and download of updates is under application control.
Refer to your site-specific documentation for further information
on configuring the TV with a resident application.
When this item is set to 2, 3, 18, or 19, the TV also will reboot
and initiate an update event once every 24 hours. During the
update event, the TV, as applicable, performs a Data Channel Auto
Search (item 119 set to 255) and/or checks for and downloads any
available updates from the Pro:Centric server (item 119 set from
1 to 135 or 253). The time at which this event occurs depends
on the setting of item 121 UPDATE TIME HR. See item 119 and
121 descriptions for further information. Once the update cycle is
complete, the TV completes the reboot and resumes its Muted ON
Instant ON is not supported when the TV is in MPI-EXT
003 - BAND/AFC (Tuning Band)
Selects the RF band used by the NTSC tuner:
0 = Broadcast
1 = Cable (default)
2 = HRC
3 = IRC
Determine the RF band used by the RF distribution system, and
then select the appropriate value for this item before tuning
channels or running Auto Tuning (Channel Search). See also item
004 - STRT CHANNEL (Start Channel)
If active, this function allows you to determine the initial Major
Start Channel number when the TV is turned ON. This feature is
useful for an in-house information channel, since the TV would
always select that channel when it is turned ON. If set to 255,
the last channel tuned before the TV was turned OFF will be the
channel tuned when the TV is turned ON again.
0 = Aux
127 = Map to Major CH 4
1 –
125 = Major Ch. #
253 = IP Start Channel
126 = Map to Major CH 3
255 = Last Channel
For a digital (ATSC) Start Channel, always remember to set item
104 to the Minor Start Channel number. If setting this item to 0
(Aux), make sure to also set item 046 STRT AUX SRCE to the
appropriate value.
126 and 127 are mapped only in SONIFI PPV Mode.
The IP Start Channel shown above can only be set in the
Cloud Configuration Tool, which is typically used to configure TV
CPUs for FTG Mode. The same applies for the additional Major
Channel number range of 128 – 135 in Physical tuning and
128 – 999 in Virtual tuning mode. When the TV is in FTG Mode,
the appropriate values will be visible in the (read-only) Installer
Menu. For an IP Start Channel, item 004 will show value 253, the
IP address, and the port number. For an RF Start Channel, item
004 will show the channel’s Major and Minor numbers.
If the TV is being configured for Application Tuning Mode
operation with Pro:Centric Direct, the Start Channel is set in the
Pro:Centric Direct Admin Client, and Installer Menu item 004 is
automatically updated accordingly. When the TV is in Application
Tuning Mode, the appropriate values will be visible in the (read-only)
Installer Menu. For an IP Start Channel, item 004 will show value
253, the IP address, and the port number. For an RF Start Channel,
item 004 will show the channel’s Major and Minor numbers.
Detailed Descriptions of Installer Menu Items