Lenze · E94AYCEO communication module (EtherNet/IP™) · Communication Manual · DMS 3.0 EN · 12/2013 · TD17
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Ethernet Port (C13863)
Ethernet port (C14863)
Ethernet Port Statistics (C13858)
Ethernet port statistics (C14858)
Ethernet setting (C14017)
Class 1 Connection Closed (error message)
Class 3 Connection Closed (error message)
Duplicate IP Address (error message)
Error: Lenze Setting Loaded (error message)
Explicit Message Timeout (error message)
Fault Mode (error message)
Idle Mode (error message)
Internal error (error message)
Internal mapping error (error message)
Invalid IP Parameter (error message)
Invalid Parameter Set (error message)
No Access (error message)
Read Error (error message)
Write Error (error message)
Overall Ethernet Timeout (error message)
Restart by Watchdogreset (error message)
EtherNet/IP configurator of the »Engineer«
EtherNet/IP connection
EtherNet/IP error messages
Causes and remedies
Short overview
EtherNet/IP objects
EtherNet/IP state diagram
Explicit messages
Explicit messages (parameter data transfer)
Fault with regard to EtherNet/IP communication
Feedback to Lenze
Firmware Compilation Date (C13901)
Firmware compilation date (C14901)
Firmware Product Type (C13900)
Firmware product type (C14900)
Firmware Version (C13902)
Firmware version (C13902)
Gateway address
Gateway Address (C13002)
Gateway address (C14002)
General data
General safety and application notes
Hostname (C13899)
Hostname (C14899)
I/O assemblies
I/O configuration in the »Engineer«
I/O configuration with »RSLogix 5000« version 19 or lower
I/O configuration with »RSLogix 5000« version 20 or higher
I/O data transfer (implicit messages)
Identity Object (1 / 0x01)
Implicit messages
Implicit messages (I/O data transfer)
Information regarding the validity
Initial switch-on
Input assemblies
Interface for communication
Internal switch latency
Interruption of internal communication
IP address
IP address (C13000)
IP address (C14000)
IP Config Control (C13005)
IP configuration reference (C14005)
LED status displays
Lenze Class (101 / 0x65)
Lenze Class (103 / 0x67)
Lenze Class (104 / 0x68)
Lenze Class (110 / 0x6E)
Lenze objects
Lenze technology application
MAC-ID (C13003)
MAC-ID (C14003)
Mechanical installation
Message Router Object (2 / 0x02)
Module status displays
Monitoring Reaction (C13880)
Mounting clearance
Multicast Config Alloc Control (C13018)
Multicast Config Alloc Control (C14018)
Multicast Config Num Mcast (C13020)
Multicast Config Num Mcast (C14020)
Multicast Config TTL Value (C13019)
Multicast Config TTL Value (C14019)
Multicast configuration
Multicast IP Start Address
Multicast IP Start Address (C13006)
Multicast IP Start Address (C14006)