Lenze · E94AYCEO communication module (EtherNet/IP™) · Communication Manual · DMS 3.0 EN · 12/2013 · TD17
I/O data transfer (implicit messages)
I/O configuration with »RSLogix 5000« version 20 or higher
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11. Complete the settings with
• The drive is inserted in the configuration tree under the "I/O Configuration".
• The corresponding tags are created in the "Controller Tags".
In the example, the drive was named "My_E94AYCEO".
• Tag "My_E94AYCEO:I.ConnectionFaulted" for the connection status
• Tag set "My_E94AYCEO:I.Data" for the assembly input object instance "111"
• Tag set "My_E94AYCEO:O.Data" for the assembly output object instance "110"
If you click "+" before the assembly tag name, all data contained in the assembly tag are
displayed below.
12. The last step is