Erreur ! Style non défini.
Erreur ! Style non défini.
Make sure individual containers are level. Containers set at an angle can
lead to measuring errors.
Set the fertiliser spreader at the same height on the left- and right-hand si-
des, in accordance with the information in the spreading charts, paying at-
tention that the mounting height is taken from the top edge of the collecting
Before testing, check the functioning and condition of the spreading ele-
ments (discs, vanes, metering slides).
Carry out a calibration check. Adjust the left- and right-hand metering slides
according to results obtained, and lock in place. Undertake the spread pat-
tern test using this aperture setting. If it is felt that the fertiliser collected in
the trays is not enough for a clear analysis, merely travel over the trays twi-
ce. Do not change the metering slide aperture.
Select only a tractor speed of between 3 and 4 km/h so as to keep tractor
and spreader as steady as possible. Keep the metering slides to the same
setting. It is irrelevant to the test that the actual application rate is higher,
as this is only a result of the slower tractor speed for test purposes. Keep
the speed of the tractor constant throughout the test.
When spreading along the tramline, open the open/close shutter slides ap-
prox. 10 m before reaching the collecting trays and close approx. 30 m after
passing them. If the collected volume is insufficient, make another pass.
Pool the contents of each exterior pair of containers and pour all three a-
mounts into the respective measuring tubes i.e. left-hand pair in left-hand
tube, middle single container in middle tube, right-hand pair in right-hand
tube. The evenness of the spread pattern can now be judged from the level
in each tube
Following results are possible:
Same quantity in all three tubes (allowed
one mark). The spread pat-
tern is acceptable.
Lop-sided spread pattern. Unacceptable.
Too much fertiliser in the overlap zone.
Too little fertiliser in the overlap zone. U-