Erreur ! Style non défini.
Erreur ! Style non défini.
6.6.4 Setting disc vanes for fertilisers not listed in the sprea-
ding charts
6.6.5 DiS
The KUHN fertiliser identification kit DiS (optional equipment) gives quick and
easy help in determining the correct spreader settings for numerous unknown
fertiliser products.
Designed to fit in normal size pockets the kit can also be used in the field.
The fertiliser to be identified is first grouped according to its chemical make-
up. Then, using "mug shot" reference photos, the actual granules are identi-
fied and the fertiliser characteristics can be determined. After identification
the fertiliser spreader setting can be determined from the accompanying
6.6.6 PtK
A practical test kit, supplied as optional equipment, offers a simple and quick
method for checking the spread pattern. By using this kit it is possible to ob-
tain settings for fertilisers not listed in the spreading charts.
For a quick check of the spreader settings a
one-pass method
is recom-
To obtain more accurate results and reduction of negative calibration error in-
fluences, such as side wind,
a three-pass method
is recommended. Three-pass method (PtK):
Choose a fertiliser from the spreading charts that has the nearest characte-
ristics to the one that needs to be used and adjust the fertiliser spreader to
these settings.
Test on a dry calm day so that weather conditions do not influence the re-
A test area should be chosen which is horizontal in both directions and is
large enough to achieve 3 tramlines over a length of approx. 60 - 70 m.
Carry out the test, either on freshly mown grass or in a field with low vegeta-
tion (max. 10cm), and make sure that the 3 tramlines run parallel to each
other. When carrying out a test without pre-set tramlines the tracks must be
measured using a tape measure and marked with suitable post markers.
The three tracks must not contain any notable bumps or hollows as these
could cause a shift in spread pattern.
Place two collecting containers one behind the other (1m apart) as per the
following sketch. One pair in each overlap zone and one pair in the centre
of the middle tramline.