Section XVI – AccuSystem√
The KANGAROO ePump is a reliable and accurate enteral feeding device. The reason for the accuracy of the KANGAROO
ePump enteral feeding pump is the design, controlled calibration methods, and stringent manufacturing controls. One
of the most critical functional parts of the KANGAROO ePump enteral feeding platform is the AccuSystem√ feeding
set produced by Tyco Healthcare. The functionality of the KANGAROO ePump AccuSystem√ feeding set is extremely
important for maintaining quality and also for allowing the accurate delivery of nutrition and hydration.
The reason the KANGAROO ePump enteral feeding pump and the KANGAROO ePump AccuSystem√ feeding sets have
satisfied our customers’ expectations is due to the integration of these two parts during the manufacturing process. The
KANGAROO ePump AccuSystem√ feeding set manufacturing process parameters are tightly controlled at Tyco Healthcare
to minimize variation and produce consistent and reliable products. The special grades of thermoplastic materials are also
tightly controlled, and are specifically chosen to deliver consistent quality and accurate flow delivery with the KANGAROO
ePump enteral feeding pump. The factory calibration and final determination of an acceptable KANGAROO ePump enteral
feeding pump is dependent on the use of acceptable Tyco Healthcare KANGAROO ePump AccuSystem√ feeding sets. The
use of generic feeding sets or other feeding sets not produced by Tyco Healthcare is not supported or sanctioned by Tyco
Healthcare. The use of unauthorized KANGAROO ePump feeding sets could jeopardize the accuracy of the KANGAROO
ePump enteral feeding pump. Check your feeding set for the AccuSystem√ logo to be certain that your KANGAROO
ePump enteral feeding pump will deliver accurately every time it is utlized.
© 2005 Tyco Healthcare Group LP