1) 1 pattern
: Mrror nverson s “1” pattern
only. After completon of nverson pattern,
the pattern returns to the orgnal one.
2) Contnuous
: The machne contnuously
operates the nverson pattern after the
nverson untl thread trmmng s performed
or, the mrror swtch s pressed agan.
* For the detals, refer to “Mrror swtch”, p.95.
For the key lock, there are three knds of settngs below.
Level “0”
: All tems can be changed.
Level “1”
s dsplayed on the rght end of the screen.
Knd of sewng
Pattern : Change of pattern and regstraton
Custom : New creaton and edt
Condensaton custom : Edt
Contnuous sttchng : New creaton, copy, deleton and edt
Cycle : New creaton, copy, deleton and edt cannot be changed.
Level “2”
s dsplayed on the rght end of the screen.
Items other than reverse feed sttchng ON/OFF, thread trmmng prohbton swtch,
specfyng zgzag stop poston and bobbn thread counter cannot be changed.
: Selecton of max. zgzag wdth lmtaton dsplay when the power s turned ON
Whether the max. zgzag wdth lmtaton value s dsplayed or not when the power s turned ON
can be selected.
Every tme the settng swtch s pressed, dsplay/non-dsplay s changed over alternately.
1) Dsplay
2) Non-dsplay
Level of the standard delivery is “1”. When changing the locked contents of level “1”,
it is necessary to set the level to Level “0” once.
: Poston of the sttch base lne of condensaton custom
The mode s the operaton mode n terms of the sttch base lne of condensaton custom when the
reference of the sttch base lne s set to that of center sttch base lne.
For the condensaton custom, there are two settngs below.
1) Travellng together
: Ths s the mode that travels the postons of sttch base lne of conden-
saton custom and zgzag pattern together.
2) Fxed
: This is the mode that fixes condensation custom to the input data position.
: Counter functon
of the functon of thread trmmng counter or bobbn thread counter s set.
When OFF s set, even the counter dsplay s not performed.
: Key lock
It s possble to lock the settng swtch so that the zgzag wdth that has been set once or the contents
of custom pattern s not changed by mstake. However, t s possble to change ON/OFF of the re-
verse feed stitch, thread trimming prohibiting switch, specified zigzag stop position and bobbin thread
Sewing direction
LED lights up.
lights up.
Mirror switch