Custom pattern selection pop-up screen
Continuous stitching selection pop-up screen
Cycle stitching selection pop-up screen
Left blnd sttch
Rght blnd sttch
Custom pattern new creaton
Contnuous sttchng new creaton
Cycle sttchng new creaton
Blind stitch selection pop-up screen
The key lock level has been set to "1" at the tme of delvery, and pctographs of new creaton are not ds-
played. When performng new creaton n each mode, change the key lock level to "0". (Refer to the second
screen of sewng common data settng of (1) Sewng common data of 6-15. Informaton. )
In addton, the dsplay of pattern No. at the tme of delvery s "1" only.