Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Figure 15 - Performance test
By pressing the «Run Tests»/«Stop Tests» buttons at the bottom of the page, you
can start/stop the performance tests.
By pressing the «Exit Test» button, you return to the Device Status page.
Each row corresponds to a certain bitrate value and can be selected or deselected
for participating in the performance test by marking/unmarking the corresponding
check-box on the right side. By marking
“Select all” check-box, all the bitrates could
be selected or deselected at once.
Three more parameters are available for management:
“Test time” parameter - allows setting the duration (in seconds) of the test for
each bitrate (5s by default)
“Bi-directional” check-box - allows choosing between bi-directional (when
checked) and unidirectional (when unchecked) performance test
“Use mint” check-box - allows performing MINT-enabled test when all the traffic
and link parameters are controlled and managed by MINT functions such as
ATPC and auto-bitrate, which provide best throughput and minimal number of
retries (the statistics for errors and retries are not available in this mode because