Cheetah Pregius Camera with 10 GigE Vision Interface – User Manual
October 8, 2020
Rev 1.0
Appendix B: Creating Hot and
Defective Pixel Correction Maps
Hot Pixel Correction and Defective Pixel Correction work with predetermined and preloaded Hot
and Defective pixel maps.
Hot Pixel Map (HPM) and Defective Pixel Map (DPM) are uploaded into the camera’s non-volatile
You can edit the original (factory installed) HPM / DPM file and upload it into the camera to fit
the unique requirements of your operating environment or camera use.
Editing HPM / DPM Files
You can edit HPM and DPM files in Microsoft Notepad or any other editing software. The file is a
simple text file that looks like this:
-- Defective Pixel Map,
-- Date: 05.18.2020,
-- Model#: SFP-C6440M,
-- Serial#: LAC001,
-- Column(X),Row(Y)
Pixel maps have two main sections: a header and a table. The header section is a free text area
of up to 256 ASCII characters. Each line of the header section must be terminated with a comma.
The table section of the file contains an array of lines with each line containing an X (column
number) value followed by a comma and a Y (row number) value.
All pixels are listed in the HPM or DPM in order of increasing Y (row) location. If there are
multiple hot or defective pixels in the same row (Y location is identical for both defective pixels),
the listing is in order of increasing X (column) location.
The maximum number of pixels in the DPM list is 1024 and in HPM list is 4096.
To edit original DPM or HPM file, you need to identify defective or hot pixels, locate and adjust
their coordinates, and accurately place pixels’ coordinates into the pixel map.