ifm Vision Assistant O3M
Placeholder Replacement
Data type
the z value of
the calculated
pixel in the ROI
group number n,
unit [m]
float (3 .0)
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
n = 01 . .64
%0c0 ==> output will be
the function result for axis
y of ROI group 10, with no
decimal places
general text replacement
(used in standard text
primitives, cannot be used
for text bound to ROI
the z value of the
calculated pixel
in the associated
ROI group, unit
float (3,0)
float (3,1)
float (3,2)
only valid for text, that
is related to ROIs
%0h ==> e .g . results in
"5 .15", if the result for the z
axis of the ROI group was
5 .15234m
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to ROI
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives)
- therefore no ROI group
number necessary
the amplitude
value of the
calculated pixel
in the ROI group
number n, unit
float (3 .0)
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
n = 01 . .64
%0i04 ==> output will be
the result of the amplitude
measurement of ROI
group 4
general text replacement
(used in standard text
primitives, cannot be used
for text bound to ROI
the amplitude
value of the
calculated pixel
in the associated
ROI group, unit
float (3 .0)
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
only valid for text, that
is related to ROIs
%3l ==> output will be the
result of the amplitude
measurement of the
associated ROI group
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to ROI
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives)
- therefore no ROI group
number necessary
the number of
the ROI
only valid for text, that
is related to ROIs
%m ==> e .g . results in 10
if displayed next to ROI10
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to ROI
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives)
- therefore no ROI group
number necessary
the number of
the ROI group to
which the ROI is
only valid for text, that
is related to ROIs
%0n ==> e .g . results in 5,
if displayed next to some
ROI that belongs to ROI
group No .5
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to ROI
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives)
- therefore no ROI group
number necessary
Text replacement – OD specific codes
The codes in this paragraph represent process values of the object detection and crash prediction,
available only in the OD variant .
Some of the replacement codes are valid only, if the text is placed in relation to objects . In this case, the
text “knows” which objects result is to be selected. This is currently not available in Vision Assistant. There
is a text replacement code always available with the same functionality but with explicit addressing .
Placeholder Replacement
Data type
Minimum x-value
of associated
object in [m] .
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
Only valid for text that
is related to objects
%0o ==> e .g . results in
"4 .2", if the result for the
Min x value of the object
was 4 .157 m
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to Object
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives) -
therefore no object number
x-value of
object in [m] .
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
Only valid for text that
is related to objects
%tbd ==> e .g . results in
"5 .3", if the result for the
Max x value of the object
was 5 .327 m
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to Object
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives) -
therefore no object number
Middle y-position
of associated
object in [m] .
float (3 .1)
float (3 .2)
Only valid for text that
is related to objects
%0p ==> e .g . results in
"-0 .7", if the result for the
middle y position of the
object was -0 .723 m
associated text
replacement (used only
for text bound to Object
overlay, cannot be used in
standard text primitives) -
therefore no object number