CAPI 2.0-compliant AOL 5.0 and Higher
ISDN PC Card – 11 Implementations of the IBM International ISDN PC Card
Click the “Next” button to use AOL with the selected modem.
Please contact your local AOL help desk if AOL does not de-
tect your modem correctly.
CAPI 2.0-compliant AOL 5.0 and Higher
CAPI 2.0-compliant AOL 5.0 and Higher without
cFos Installed
In some countries, such as Germany and the UK, AOL ships
its AOL 5.0 access software in a version designed for CAPI
2.0. When you install AOL 5.0, it automatically installs an
OEM version of cFos which is then used only by AOL 5.0.
When the AOL 5.0 access software searches for a modem, it
detects the IBM International ISDN PC Card as illustrated be-