Windows XP Home Edition and Professional
ISDN PC Card – 11 Implementations of the IBM International ISDN PC Card
- cFos ISDN, Internet, Sync PPP over HDLC
- cFos ISDN, Internet, add. Sync PPP over HDLC
At this stage Windows XP notifies you that the modem
emulation driver has not been digitally certified by Mi-
crosoft. In order to complete the cFos installation, click
“Continue Anyway”.
For information about updated versions of cFos that do
not display this warning message, please contact the
cFos support team.
You can add emulated modems after the installation of
cFos has been completed. To launch the modem in-
staller, click “Start / Control Panel”, double-click the
“Printers and Other Hardware” icon, then the “Phone
and Modem Options” icon.
10. In the “Phone And Modem Options” dialog, click the
“Modems” tab, then the “Add” button.
When the “Install New Modem” dialog appears, choose
the option “Don't detect my modem; I will select it from
a list”, and click “Next”. In the “Manufacturers” list,
scroll down to “cFos Software Bonn”. I n the “Models”
list, select the modem emulation you want to use, then
click “Next”. Note that Windows XP informs you once
again that the drivers have not been digitally signed.