ISDN PC Card – 13 Using NDIS
The “Remote Access Setup” dialog appears. Select one
of the entries “ISDN1 - WAN” or “ISDN2 - WAN” and click
“Configure”. The “Configure Port Usage” dialog opens.
Specify here whether you want to receive calls, dial out,
or both.
Set the port usage to “Dial out only”.
If you intend to use both ISDN B channels for RAS, you
can configure the second B channel as a RAS device
now by clicking “Add”. Confirm your port usage settings
by clicking “OK”.
Now click the “Network” button in the “Remote Access
Setup” dialog. In the “Network Configuration” dialog
which appears, select only TCP/IP as “Dial-out proto-
col”, then click “OK”.
If you also want to receive calls, and you have selected
the corresponding option in the “Configure Port Usage”
dialog, then select the desired network protocol here
under “Server Settings”, as well as the options for au-
thentication of incoming calls. To obtain maximum
compatibility with other products, activate the option
“Allow any authentication including clear text”.
Windows NT now copies the files for the selected com-
ponents. During this process, Setup displays the mes-
sage “TCP/IP Version 4.0 is already installed on the sys-
tem”. Acknowledge this message by clicking “OK“, and
do the same for other protocols if necessary. Windows
NT now displays a summary of the network installation.
Check your bindings!
A message appears saying that Windows NT can now
start the network. Click “Next” to complete the network
In the following window, enter names for the computer
and the domain, and confirm them by clicking “Next”.
A message appears reporting that the network has been
installed. Click “Finish” You must now restart your com-
puter in order for the new settings to take effect. Con-
firm the corresponding prompt by clicking “Yes”.
Restarting the computer completes the installation of
the network components.