ISDN PC Card – 13 Using NDIS
Installation in an Existing Network
Installing the NDIS WAN CAPI driver for Windows NT
Open the Start menu and move the pointer to “Set-
tings”. Open the Control Panel and double-click the
“Network” icon.
In the network configuration dialog, click the “Adapt-
ers” tab.
Now you must install a network adapter. The NDIS WAN
CAPI Driver for Windows NT makes your ISDN adapter
function as a network adapter! In the next dialog, click
“Add”, then in the “Select Network Adapter” dialog,
click “Have Disk”.
Insert the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver for Windows NT instal-
lation disk into the floppy disk drive and enter the path
to the files. Confirm the path by clicking “OK”.
The “Select OEM Option” dialog appears. Select the en-
try “NDIS WAN CAPI Driver for Windows NT” and click
“OK”. Windows NT now copies the driver from the flop-
py disk onto your hard drive.
The “NDIS WAN CAPI Driver for Windows NT Properties”
dialog then appears.
You have the option of defining two MSNs for each ISDN
B channel. If you have not installed any other CAPI ap-
plication or if you only want to use the NDIS WAN CAPI
Driver for Windows NT for outgoing calls, then you may
simply click “OK”.
MSNs (Multiple Subscriber Numbers, only on ISDN lines
using DSS1) are used to route incoming and outgoing
calls. If you have other CAPI applications installed on
your computer that accept data calls (with the ISDN ser-
vice indicator DATA64K), then enter one of your I SDN
line’s numbers here under which the NDIS WAN CAPI
Driver for Windows NT will accept incoming calls.