Operating and Maintenance Instruction FCU 8000-1 series
Doc.: 3109776 Ed.: 01/13.02.2002
HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH
Page 122
14 Glossary of terms used in measurement technology
Measuring point:
The name of the position at which the FCU is connected to the
hydraulic system.
This name (max. 20 characters) can be input into the FCU for logging.
Example: Pump Press W3
Measurement value:
The actual value of the contamination class.
Example : ISO 16/13/10
Immediately after pressing the "OK/START" key a measurement begins.
measurement values
of the particular contamination class are displayed in the LCD
typically once per minute (depending on the flow rate).
Averaging interval:
The time interval (in minutes), pre-set by the user, over which the
FCU measurement values are averaged. The average value will be printed out and
stored. In the display the actual measurement values are displayed.
Example: 10 minutes (but also, for example, 24 hours = 1440 minutes possible)
Once started, a measurement runs continuously, i.e. new values are obtained
constantly which are filed one after the other as
log lines
in the
measurement value
. If the memory is full, the oldest
measurement values
are overwritten with the
newest (rolling memory). Therefore it is always guaranteed that no current
are lost.
A measurement range is described as a
. It consists of the
log heading
and the
log lines
The FCU stores up to 100 logs.
Log heading:
It contains:
A log number (numbered consecutively automatically after each measurement starts).
The name of the
measuring point
(can be input by the user)
Date + time of the start and end of the measurement (created automatically)
Averaging interval
Number of
log lines
(measurement values)
Duration of the measurement range