Obtaining Help
About This Chapter
This topic describes how to contact Huawei for technical support if a fault persists
during routine maintenance or troubleshooting.
10.1 Preparing to Contact Huawei Technical Support
10.2 Obtaining Technical Support
10.1 Preparing to Contact Huawei Technical Support
This topic describes how to prepare to contact Huawei technical support, including
collecting fault information and preparing for debugging.
If a fault persists during routine maintenance or troubleshooting, contact Huawei
technical support.
You are advised to make the following preparations before contacting Huawei
technical support.
Collecting Fault Information
You need to collect the following information:
Your company name and detailed address
Contact name and telephone number
Time when the fault occurred
Fault symptom
Device type and software version
Measures taken after the fault occurred and results
Fault severity and expected rectification deadline
Preparing for Debugging
When you seek Huawei technical support, they may ask you to perform operations
to further collect fault information or even rectify the fault. Therefore, you need to
make preparations before seeking Huawei technical support. For example, obtain
RH8100 V3 Server
User Guide
10 Obtaining Help
Issue 30 (2019-12-19)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.