For example, to update the controller at segment 1, bus 51, device 4, function 0 from the example
output above, enter a command at the EFI Shell prompt as in this following example:
fs0:\> saupdate UPDATE 1:51:4:0 CYBORG234.BIN
with the name of your firmware file.
The following screen displays:
Smart Array Offline Firmware Update Utility
(C) Copyright 2004 Hewlett Packard Development Company L.P.
Updating controller in Seg: 1, Bus: 51, Dev: 4, Func: 0
Current firmware version 1.92
Percentage completed: 100%
Activating firmware now, this may take several minutes.
Resetting and reinitializing controller.
Retrieving firmware version, this may take several minutes.
Current controller firmware version is 2.34.
The UPDATE command will not prevent downgrade to a lower firmware version.
After updating the firmware, cycle the power on the system and on any external JBODS connected
to the Smart Array HBAs.
Exit status codes
0: Success
When “all” is specified, the utility downloads the firmware image to all the controllers to which
the firmware image applies and updates the remaining controllers. If an update operation fails
for a controller, the utility still updates the remaining controllers.
The example below shows the command to update all controllers for which the firmware image
file applies. The controllers for which the firmware image is not applicable are skipped. In this
example, the Smart Array 6400 controller is updated, and the Smart Array 5300 is skipped:
fs0:\> saupdate UPDATE all CYBORG234.BIN
with the name of your firmware file.
The following screen displays, showing the controllers that are updated and skipped:
Smart Array Offline Firmware Update Utility
(C) Copyright 2004 Hewlett Packard Development Company L.P.
Updating controller in Seg: 1, Bus: 51, Dev: 4, Func: 0
Current firmware version 1.92
Percentage completed: 100%
Activating firmware now, this may take several minutes.
Resetting and reinitializing controller.
Retrieving firmware version, this may take several minutes.
Current controller firmware version is 2.34.
Smart Array Offline Firmware Update Utility
(C) Copyright 2004 Hewlett Packard Development Company L.P.
Installing the System