E3 Series Installation/Operation Manual
P/N 9000-0574:I 11/04/10
System Overview
1.5.10 Battery Connection (PM-9/PM-9G)
24 VDC nominal
Maximum battery size 55 AH (with
an external battery cabinet)
1.7 Amp maximum battery charge current
Non power-limited
1.5.11 City Master Box Output (ILI-MB-E3 or ILI95-MB-E3)
1.5.12 Remote Signaling Output (Polarity Reversal)
(ILI-MB-E3 or ILI95-MB-E3)
1.5.13 Releasing Service (ILI-MB-E3 or ILI95-MB-E3)
Refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals, P/N 9000-0427, Section 3 for a
list of UL Listed, compatible releasing solenoids.
24 VDC (Nominal) FWR
Supervisory Current:
.0018 amp
Alarm Current:
.510 amp (max.)
Box Trip Coil Resistance: 14.5 Ohms (max.)
Line Resistance:
35 Ohms (max.)
Supervised against Opens and Grounds
Non Power-limited
24 VDC (nominal) FWR
Supervisory Current:
.012 amp
Alarm Current:
.012 amp
Line Resistance:
2 ohms (max.)
Supervised against Opens and Grounds
Non Power-limited
24 VDC (Nominal) FWR
Supervisory Current:
.0005 amp
Alarm Current:
.700 amp (max.)
Line Resistance:
2 Ohms (max.)
Supervised against Opens and Grounds
Non Power-limited