E3 Series Installation/Operation Manual
P/N 9000-0574:I 11/04/10
System Overview
System Components
1.3.2 Intelligent Loop Interface - Main Board (ILI-MB-E3)
These units are the main operating sub-assembly for the E3 control. The units provide two (2),
signaling line circuits and terminals for the connection of all sub-assemblies. Each unit can support
an LCD-E3, DACT-E3 and up to a total of sixteen (16), ASM-16 and/or ANU-48 sub-assemblies.
The units occupy one node on the Broadband network. The Alarm signals lock-in. The Supervisory
Signals can be either locked-in or not locked-in, depending on the CAMWorks
™. Trouble signals
do not lock-in. The following sensors and modules are used with each unit.
The ILI-MB-E3 accommodates the ASD/ATD
Series sensors and AMM/MMI/AOM/MMO
Series modules.
For a comprehensive list, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
Municipal Connection/Releasing Output
The ILI-MB-E3 provides a non power-limited output for a local energy City Master Box or a
Releasing Solenoid.
For a comprehensive list, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
Audible Sounder
An Alarm/Trouble/Supervisory sounder is located on the ILI-MB-E3.
1.3.3 Intelligent Loop Interface XP95 - Main Board (ILI95-MB-E3)
These units are the main operating sub-assembly for the E3 control. The units provide two (2),
signaling line circuits and terminals for the connection of all sub-assemblies. Each unit can support
an LCD-E3, DACT-E3 and up to a total of sixteen (16), ASM-16 and/or ANU-48 sub-assemblies.
The units occupy one node on the Broadband network. Alarm signals lock-in. The Supervisory
Signals can be either locked-in or not locked-in, depending on the CAMWorks
™. Trouble signals
do not lock-in. The following sensors and modules are used with each unit.
The ILI95-MB-E3 accommodat
es the Apollo Series of sensors and modules.
For a comprehensive list, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
Municipal Connection/Releasing Output
The ILI95-MB-E3 provides a non power-limited output for a local energy City Master Box or
Releasing Solenoid.
For a comprehensive list, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
Audible Sounder
An Alarm/Trouble/Supervisory sounder is located on the ILI95-MB-E3.
1.3.4 Addressable Node Expander (ANX)
The Addressable Node Expander (ANX) is a network interface sub-assembly that communicates
between the Gamewell-FCI E3 Series fire alarm control panel and the FocalPoint Graphic
Workstation. This interface allows the E3 Series System to expand networks to a minimum of 122
nodes and allows Ethernet Connectivity.
For additional information on the ANX, refer to the ANX Installation Instructions, P/N 9001-0064.
For additional information on the Ethernet connection to the FocalPoint panels, refer to the
following Manuals:
FocalPoint Gateway-3 Embedded Installation & Operation Manual, P/N 53373 Rev B
ONXYWORKS FocalPoint GATEWAY Embedded Installation & Operation Manual, P/N
53182 Rev C
1.3.5 Power Supply - 9 Amperes (PM-9/PM-9G)
The PM-9/PM-9G is a 9 ampere regulated power supply with a battery charger that provides
operating power to the panel. The battery charger can maintain batteries up to 55 A/H (with an
external battery cabinet). (Batteries not furnished).