E3 Series Installation/Operation Manual
P/N 9000-0574:I 11/04/10
E3 Series System Connections
Analog Sensors
3.16 Analog Sensors
The E3 Series
, signaling line circuits accommodate only Gamewell-FCI approved, UL Listed,
Factory Mutual Approved analog sensors and bases. Each ILI-E3 Series signaling line circuit can
accommodate 159 sensor address points, using Address numbers 01 to 159. The ILI95-E3 Series
accommodates 126 sensors/modules, using Address numbers 01 to 126.
For a list of approved sensors and bases, refer to the Compatibility Addendum, P/N 9000-0427.
3.16.1 Address Switches
Addresses are set on each sensor or module.
3.16.2 Drift Compensation
The E3 Series
contains a program that performs continuous testing of analog sensors, including
sensitivity tests. This program will compensate all analog sensors for age and environmental
conditions. If a problem occurs in a sensor, a
led Test
”, “Dirty” or “V
ery Dirty
” indication for
the specific device will appear on the system display and will be recorded in the Event Log and the
Serial Port.
3.16.3 Addressable Modules
The E3 Series
® accommodates on
ly Gamewell-FCI approved, UL Listed, Factory Mutual
Approved addressable modules. Each ILI-E3 Series SLC can accommodate 159 addressable
module points, using Addresses 01 through 159. The ILI95-E3 Series accommodates 126
sensors/modules, using Address numbers 01 to 126. The modules that occupy this address range
consist of Monitor (input) modules and Control (output) modules.
For a list of approved modules, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
3.16.4 Monitor Modules
Dry contact devices and two wire smoke detectors can be monitored by these modules, which act as
the interface between the manual station, waterflow switch, etc. and the control panel.
For a list of approved modules, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
3.16.5 Control Modules
Notification appliances, relays and circuits using compatible voltages (through an internal dry
contact) can be controlled by these modules.
For a list of approved modules, refer to the Compatibility Addendum to Gamewell-FCI Manuals,
P/N 9000-0427.
3.16.6 System Response to Input Devices
The E3 Series System allows the programming of the response of the system to an activated input
device by the selection of the "Input Device Type." The reaction of the system may be an Alarm,
Supervisory or Tamper event when an input module (AMM type) or sensor (smoke detector) is set
to the appropriate device type. Also, most SLC input device types, such as a Supervisory device,
may produce either a latching or self-restoring event as selected in the configuration programming
tool (CAMWorks
™). For more information, see the CAMWorks "HELP" menu.
NOTE: UL 864 requires that PAS (positive alarm sequence) be used only for alarm signals from
automatic alarm devices such as smoke detectors.
To provide the PAS Bypass function, an input device (such as a monitor module or ASM switch)
must be provided and programmed for this purpose using the configuration programming tool