PC Cards cifX Compact PCI, Mini PCI, Mini PCIe, PCI-104 | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120205UM53EN | Revision 53 | English | 2019-03 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2019
If you want to change in an existing system from the PROFINET IO-
Controller firmware V2 to V3, note the following guidelines:
1. Customize your application program according to the Migration Guide
PROFINET IO Controller Migrating from version 2 to 3
If you want to change to V4.2, please check in the Migration Guide
PROFINET IO Controller Migrating from version 2 to 3
which changes
are necessary in the application program in order to use version 4.2.
2. If you upgrade to the PROFINET IO-Controller firmware V3, you can not
reuse the existing project of the PROFINET IO-Controller
firmware V2. Create a new configuration. For the PROFINET IO-
Controller firmware V3 for configuration, you need from
version 1.400, which contains new configuration dialogs (PROFINET IO
IRT-Controller DTM).
3. Update the PROFINET IO controller firmware in your device to
Version 3.
On the Communication Solutions DVD, files and manuals referring to
firmware V2 and V3, are available as follows:
PROFINET IO-Controller V2
Directory on the DVD \ File:
PROFINET IO-Controller V3
Directory on the DVD \ File:
Firmware\CIFX\Outdated versions\PNM V2\
Examples and API\0.
Header\Firmware\PROFINET IO Controller V2
Examples and API\0. Header\Firmware\PROFINET
Controller V3
Protocol API
Documentation\7. Programming Manuals\EN\3.
Protocol API\PROFINET IO Controller\
PROFINET IO Controller Protocol API 19
Ethernet Protocol API.pdf,
TCP IP - Packet Interface API 12 EN.pdf
Documentation\7. Programming Manuals\EN\3.
Protocol API\PROFINET IO Controller V3\
PROFINET IO Controller V3 Protocol API 07 EN.pdf
PROFINET IO Controller - Migrating from version 2
to 3 MG 01 EN.pdf
Table 7: PROFINET IO-Controller Firmware V2 and V3 on the Product DVD