Chapter 1 System Overview and Requirements
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Harmonic MediaGrid Components
Jumbo frames may improve transfer performance between Harmonic MediaGrid and other
devices on the network in some cases. However, an improvement will not always be obtained,
depending on the devices’ ability to process data relative to the maximum network transfer speed
The Network Switches are enabled by default. Refer to
to enable jumbo
frames on the remaining Harmonic MediaGrid devices.
Harmonic strongly recommends that the Harmonic MediaGrid be initially set up and tested with
all other parts of the system infrastructure with jumbo frames disabled, to ensure correct
functionality, before enabling jumbo frames.
About Naming Files and System Elements
The following table
provides important notes about the naming of files, devices, hosts and file
systems on a Harmonic network.
Keep in mind the following additional points:
For a Harmonic system with an Omnibus automation system, clip names are usually
generated on the Omnibus side. To create clips for use on an Omnibus system, follow these
Avoid creating long Harmonic clip names that only differ in the last few characters as long
Harmonic clip names are truncated to 25 characters when Omnibus clip names are
Avoid creating file (or clip) names that differ only in uppercase/lowercase iteration. Harmonic
MediaGrid correctly preserves the case of the file names and treats the files as separate.
However, some operating systems (Windows most notably) and some applications do not
properly handle file names that are identical except for differences in case.
Clip Name
Naming conventions follow Windows32™ rules. In general, names can
be quite long. Standard alphanumerics are allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9.
Most characters, including spaces, are valid except:
/ \ : * ? < > | and the double quote character (“).
Device Name
Host Name
Maximum name length is
Standard alphanumerics are allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 also _ (underscore)
and -(dash).
9 special characters are allowed for Device or Host names:
! ^ ( ) { } - _ ~
No spaces are allowed.
File system Name
Maximum name length is
Standard alphanumerics are allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 also _ (underscore)
and -(dash).
9 special characters are allowed:
! ^ ( ) { } - _~
No spaces are allowed.