Chapter 4 System Configuration
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Joining a Harmonic MediaGrid Cluster to a Windows Domain
.kerberos_server = <AD Realm in UPPERCASE>
a. Replace instances of <AD Realm in UPPERCASE> with the name of the Active Directory
Realm in all uppercase letters.
b. Replace instances <ADS Domain Controller FQDN> with the Fully Qualified Domain
Name of the Active Directory server.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all remaining ContentDirectors in the Harmonic MediaGrid cluster.
Join the ContentBridge 1000B to the Active Directory Domain
1. Log on to the ContentBridge 1000B using the following user name and password:
User name: root
Password: omneon
2. Stop smb service
service smb stop
3. Remove samba private files on the ContentBridge 1000B:
rm -f /var/lib/samba/private/*
4. Copy Samba configuration files from the ContentDirector generated in steps 3 and 4 in
subsection above. You may be required to enter “sudo” when copying files over.
a. Copy /tftpboot/config/gateway/smb.conf from the ContentDirector to /etc/samba/
smb.conf on the ContentBridge.
b. Copy /tftpboot/config/gateway/krb5.conf from the ContentDirector to /etc/krb5.conf on
the ContentBridge.
5. Run the following command:
net ads join -U<AD_Admin>%<password> -S <ADS_Domain_Controller_FQDN>
Upon joining the AD domain, the Samba server creates a local temporary database on the
ContentBridge 1000B at: /var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb.
6. Remove any “CB” entries that provide access to individual users from the /etc/passwd file
locally on the ContentBridge 1000B and <CLBHOSTNAME> file under /tftpboot/config/
gateway on all ContentDirectors.
and delete entries for the same individual users (the entries do not contain
“CB” in this file).
In order to access the Harmonic MediaGrid, the individual users must be added to the Active
Directory domain.
7. Add the following line to the ContentBridge 1000B configuration file:
NATIVE <Cluster IP or DNS name> <file system name>
This can be done via SystemManager or by editing /tftpboot/config/gateway/<hostname>
manually on ALL ContentDirectors (replace <hostname> with the hostname of the
ContentBridge 1000B).
8. Restart the gateway service:
service gateway restart
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for all remaining ContentBridges in the Harmonic MediaGrid cluster.