Chapter 4 System Configuration
© 2017 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Harmonic MediaGrid Release 4.1
Joining a Harmonic MediaGrid Cluster to a Windows Domain
9. Type the following command to remove the ContentBridge from the FIRSTBOOT mode:
sudo initconfig --rmflag
10. Type the following commands to join this High Bandwidth ContentBridge to the Active
Directory domain and restart services:
sudo service gateway stop
sudo net ads join -U
<administrator_username>%<administrator_password> -S <ActiveDirectory
server FQDN>
sudo service gateway start
11. If you wish to add additional High Bandwidth ContentBridges to the Active Directory domain
at this point, repeat the following steps on each additional High Bandwidth ContentBridge:
The total number of High Bandwidth ContentBridges selected for configuration must match the
total number of ContentBridges selected when running the Configuration Assistant in step 4 above.
a. Insert the USB drive that contains the configuration information.
b. Log on to the ContentBridge using the credentials used in step 2 above.
c. Type:
sudo initconfig --setflag
d. Type:
sudo ./copyconfigs -m
e. Select the ID(s), starting from
, in increasing order for each additional High Bandwidth
sudo initconfig --rmflag
g. Perform the commands in step 10 above to join the ContentBridge to the Active
Directory domain and restart services.
12. As a final step, for each ContentBridge, you must remove any “CB” entries that provide
access to individual users from the /etc/gateway.conf and etc/passwd files.
a. Open
and delete entries for individual users beginning with “CB.”
b. Open
and delete entries for the same individual users (the entries do not
contain “CB” in this file).
c. Restart gateway services by running the following command:
sudo service gateway
In order to access the Harmonic MediaGrid, the individual users must be added to the Active
Directory domain.
About Changes to the Default Mount Point
When you configure the ContentBridge for Active Directory, the configuration assistant adds the
following line:
NATIVE <Cluster IP or DNS name> <file system name>
For example:
NATIVE testfs
This mount point can be modified directly in the configuration file. However, note that the cluster
used in the NATIVE line must be configured to authenticate against the same Active Directory
domain as the ContentBridge. For instructions on editing the configuration file, refer to “Editing
the High Bandwidth ContentBridge Configuration File” in the
Harmonic SystemManager User