background image



 Tube Placement

1.  Advance the MIC* gastrostomy feeding tube until the balloon is in the 


2.  Using a male Luer syringe, inflate the balloon.
  •  Inflate the LV balloon with 3–5 ml of sterile or distilled water.  
  •  Inflate the standard balloon with 7–10 ml of sterile or distilled water.


Do not exceed 7 ml total balloon volume inside the LV balloon 

and 15 ml total balloon volume in the Standard balloon.  Do not use air.  Do 

not inject contrast into the balloon.

3.  Tie the purse string sutures around the tube.
4.  Gently pull the tube up and away from the abdomen until the balloon 

contacts the inner stomach wall.

5.  Use the purse string sutures to attach the stomach to the peritoneum.  Take 

care to avoid puncture of the balloon.

6.  Clean the residual fluid or lubricant from the tube and stoma.
7.  Gently slide the external retention bolster to approximately 2-3 mm above 

the skin.  Do not suture the bolster to the skin.



Tube Placement

1.  Advance the distal end of the tube over the guidewire, through the stoma 

tract and into the stomach.

2.  Verify that the tube is in the stomach, remove the guidewire or peel-away 

sheath if utilized and inflate the balloon.

3.  Using a male Luer syringe, inflate the balloon.
  •  Inflate the LV balloon with 3–5 ml of sterile or distilled water.  
  •  Inflate the standard balloon with 7–10 ml of sterile or distilled water.


 Do not exceed 7 ml total balloon volume inside the LV balloon 

and 15 ml total balloon volume in the Standard balloon.  Do not use air.  Do 

not inject contrast into the balloon.

4.  Gently pull the tube up and away from the abdomen until the balloon 

contacts the inner stomach wall.  

5.  Clean the residual fluid or lubricant from the tube and stoma.
6.  Gently slide the external retention bolster to approximately 2-3 mm above 

the skin.  Do not suture the bolster to the skin.





Verify Tube Position and Patency

1.  Attach an ENFit® syringe with 10 ml water to an access port 

(Fig. 1-B, 1-C, 

& 2-B)

 of the gastrostomy feeding tube.  Aspirate gastric contents.  When 

air or gastric contents are observed, flush the tube.

2.  Check for moisture around the stoma.  If there are signs of gastric leakage, 

check the tube position and placement of the external retention bolster.  

Add sterile or distilled water as needed in 1–2 ml increments.  Do not 

exceed balloon capacity as indicated previously.

3.  Begin feeding only after confirmation of proper patency, placement and 

according to physician instructions.


Tube Removal

1.  Ensure that this type of tube can be replaced at the bedside.
2.  Assemble all equipment and supplies, cleanse hands using aseptic 

technique and apply clean, powder-free gloves.

3.  Rotate the tube 360 degrees to ensure the tube moves freely and easily.
4.  Firmly insert a male Luer syringe into the balloon port and withdraw all the 

fluid from the balloon.

5.  Apply counter pressure to the abdomen and remove the tube with gentle, 

but firm traction.




If resistance is encountered, lubricate the tube and stoma with 

water soluble lubricant.  Simultaneously push and rotate the tube.  Gently 

manipulate the tube free.  If the tube will not come out, refill the balloon with 

the prescribed amount of water and notify the physician.  Never use excessive 

force to remove a tube.  



Never attempt to change the tube unless trained by the 

physician or other health care provider.


 Warning: After use, this product may be a potential biohazard.  

Handle and dispose of in accordance with accepted medical 

practice and applicable local, state, and federal laws and 



Replacement Procedure

1.  Cleanse the skin around the stoma site and allow the area to air dry.
2.  Select the appropriate size Gastrostomy feeding tube and prepare according 

to the instructions in the Tube Preparation section above.

3.  Gently insert the Gastrostomy through the stoma into the stomach.
4.  Using a male Luer syringe, inflate the balloon.

•  Inflate the LV balloon with 3–5 ml of sterile or distilled water.  
•  Inflate the Standard balloon with 7–10 ml of sterile or distilled water.



Do not exceed 7 ml total balloon volume inside the LV balloon 

and 15 ml balloon volume in the Standard balloon.  Do not use air.  Do not 

inject contrast into the balloon.

5.  Gently pull the tube up and away from the abdomen until the balloon 

contacts the inner stomach wall.  

6.  Clean the residual fluid or lubricant from the tube and stoma.
7.  Gently slide the external retention bolster to approximately 1-2 mm above 

the skin. 

8.  Verify proper tube position according to the instructions in the Verify Tube 

Position section above.

Tube Patency Guidelines

Proper tube flushing is the best way to avoid clogging and maintain tube 

patency.  The following are guidelines to avoid clogging and maintain tube 

•  Flush the feeding tube with water every 4–6 hours during continuous 

feeding, anytime the feeding is interrupted, before and after every 

intermittent feeding, or at least every 8 hours if the tube is not being used.

•  Flush the feeding tube after checking gastric residuals.
•  Flush the feeding tube before and after medication administration and 

between medications. This will prevent the medication from interacting 

with formula and potentially causing the tube to clog.

•  Use liquid medication when possible and consult the pharmacist to 

determine if it is safe to crush solid medication and to mix with water. If 

safe, pulverize the solid medication into a fine powder form and dissolve 

the powder in warm water before administering through the feeding tube. 

Never crush enteric-coated medication or mix medication with formula.

•  Avoid using acidic fluids such as cranberry juice and cola beverages to flush 

feeding tubes as the acidic quality when combined with formula proteins 

may actually contribute to tube clogging.

General Flushing Guidelines

Flush the feeding tube with water using an ENFit® syringe every 4–6 hours 

during continuous feeding, anytime the feeding is interrupted, at least every 

8 hours if the tube is not being used, or per clinician’s instructions.  Flush the 

feeding tube after checking gastric residuals.  Flush the feeding tube before 

and after each medication administration.  Avoid using acidic irrigants such as 

cranberry juice and cola beverages to flush feeding tubes.
•  Use a 30 to 60 ml ENFit® syringe. Do not use smaller size syringes as this can 

increase pressure on the tube and potentially rupture smaller tubes.

•  Ensure the second access port (if applicable) is closed with the tethered cap 

prior to flushing.

•  Use room temperature water for tube flushing. Sterile water may be 

appropriate where the quality of municipal water supplies is of concern. The 

amount of water will depend on the patient’s needs, clinical condition, and 

type of tube, but the average volume ranges from 10 to 50 ml for adults, 

and 3 to 10 ml for infants. Hydration status also influences the volume used 

for flushing feeding tubes. In many cases, increasing the flushing volume 

can avoid the need for supplemental intravenous fluid. However, individuals 

with renal failure and other fluid restrictions should receive the minimum 

flushing volume necessary to maintain patency.

•  Do not use excessive force to flush the tube. Excessive force can perforate the 

tube and can cause injury to the gastrointestinal tract.

•  Document the time and amount of water used in the patient’s record. This 

will enable all caregivers to monitor the patient’s needs more accurately.

Nutrition Administration

1.  Open the cap to an access port of the gastrostomy tube.
2.  Use an ENFit® syringe to flush the tube with the prescribed amount of water 

as described in the General Flushing Guidelines.

3.  Remove the flushing syringe from the access port.
4.  Securely connect an ENFit® feed set or an ENFit® syringe to the access port.


Do not over-tighten the feed set connector or the syringe to 

the access port.

5.  Complete feeding per the clinician’s instructions.
6.  Remove the feed set or syringe from the access port.
7.  Use an ENFit® syringe to flush the tube with the prescribed amount of water 

as described in the General Flushing Guidelines.

8.  Remove the flushing syringe from the access port.
9.  Close the cap to the access port.

Medication Administration

Use liquid medication when possible and consult the pharmacist to determine 

if it is safe to crush solid medication and mix with water.  If safe, pulverize the 

solid medication into a fine powder form and dissolve the powder in warm 

water before administering through the feeding tube. Never crush enteric coated 

medication or mix medication with formula.
1.  Open the cap to an access port of the gastrostomy tube.
2.  Use an ENFit® syringe to flush the tube with the prescribed amount of water 

as described in the General Flushing Guidelines.

3.  Remove the flushing syringe from the access port.
4.  Securely connect an ENFit® syringe containing the medication to the access 




Do not over-tighten the syringe to the access port.

5.  Deliver the medication by depressing the ENFit® syringe plunger.
6.  Remove the syringe from the access port.
7.  Use an ENFit® syringe to flush the tube with the prescribed amount of water 

as described in the General Flushing Guidelines.

8.  Remove the flushing syringe from the access port.
9.  Close the cap to the access port.

Summary of Contents for MIC Series


Page 2: ...E D A B A C B D Fig 1 Fig 2 Caution Rx Only Not made with natural rubber latex Product is NOT made with DEHP as a plasticizer Diameter BalloonVolume Consult instructions for use Single Use Only 2 Ster...

Page 3: ...The gastrostomy site should also be at least 3 cm away from the costal margin to prevent damage to the retention balloon by abrasions during movement 3 Place two concentric purse string sutures around...

Page 4: ...above Tube Patency Guidelines Proper tube flushing is the best way to avoid clogging and maintain tube patency The following are guidelines to avoid clogging and maintain tube patency Flush the feedin...

Page 5: ...n or decrease balloon life and under inflation will not secure the tube properly Daily Care Maintenance Check List Assess the patient for any signs of pain pressure or discomfort Assess the stoma site...

Page 6: ...e ballonnet avec 7 10 ml d eau pour les sondes standard 3 Retirer la seringue et v rifier l int grit du ballonnet en pressant d licatement dessus pour r v ler toute fuite Proc der un examen visuel du...

Page 7: ...uer une contre pression sur l abdomen et retirer la sonde par traction d un mouvement d licat mais ferme Remarque encasder sistance lubrifierlasondeetlastomie l aided un lubrifianthydrosoluble Pousser...

Page 8: ...t tre remplac e Un ballonnet d gonfl ou d chir pourrait d loger ou d placer la sonde En cas de rupture du ballonnet celui ci doit tre remplac Fixer la sonde en place l aide de ruban adh sif puis suivr...

Page 9: ...ichtigkeit pr fen um dessen Unversehrtheit zu gew hrleisten Optisch pr fen ob der Ballon symmetrisch ist Falls erforderlich den Ballon leicht zwischen den Fingern rollen bis er eine symmetrische Form...

Page 10: ...lsmitGewaltentfernen Achtung Die Sonde darf nur nach Unterweisung durch einen Arzt oder eine andere medizinische Fachkraft gewechselt werden Warnung Dieses Produkt stellt nach Gebrauch eine potenziell...

Page 11: ...onde mit Pflasterstreifen fixieren Anschlie end ordnungsgem vorgehen und oder den zust ndigen Arzt konsultieren Achtung Den Ballon mit sterilem oder destilliertemWasser f llen nicht mit Luft oder Koch...

Page 12: ...ALYARD 1 2 3 4 Buried Bumper Syndrome HALYARD 1 MIC 2 1 E 2 D 1 A 2 A 3 5 ml LV low volume REF 7 10 ml 3 4 1 D 2 C 5 6 1 2 10 15 3 3 4 5 6 Babcock 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 T 2 1 3 MIC ENFit MIC ENFit b MIC ENFit...

Page 13: ...IC 2 LV 3 5 ml 7 19 ml LV 7 ml 15 ml 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 1 2 3 LV 3 5 ml 7 19 ml LV 7 ml 15 ml 4 5 6 2 3 1 ENFit 10 ml 1 B 1 C 2 B 2 1 2 ml 3 1 2 3 360 4 5 1 2 3 4 LV 3 5 ml 7 19 ml LV 7 ml 15 ml 5 6 7 1 2...

Page 14: 1 2 ENFit 3 4 ENFit ENFit 5 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 ENFit 3 4 ENFit 5 ENFit 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 3 ENFit 4 5 6 ENFit 7 8 1 8 pH BAL 10 20 450 1 2 1 2 3 ENFit 30 ml 60 ml 4 3 5 MIC 1 844 425 9273 halyardhea...

Page 15: ...etr a se puede lograr enrollando ligeramente el bal n entre los dedos Reinserte la jeringa y retire toda el agua del bal n 4 Compruebe el cabezal de retenci n externo fig 1 D y 2 C El cabezal debe des...

Page 16: ...a o adecuado y prep rela conforme a las instrucciones que se indican en la secci n anterior de preparaci n de la sonda 3 Inserte ligeramente la sonda de gastrostom a a trav s del estoma en el est mago...

Page 17: ...est ril o destilada no emplee aire ni soluci n salina La soluci n salina podr a cristalizarse y obturar la v lvula del bal n o el lumen y podr a perderse aire y colapsar el bal n Aseg rese de emplear...

Page 18: ...1 D a 2 C Podlo ka by m la p i klouz n pod l trubice kl st m rn odpor 5 Zkontrolujte zda se po cel d lce trubice nevyskytuj nepravidelnosti 6 Nama te pi ku trubice lubrikantem rozpustn m ve vod Nepou...

Page 19: ...celkov objem 7 ml u bal nku typu LV a 15 ml u standardn ho bal nku Nepou vejte vzduch Do bal nku nevst ikujte kontrastn l tku 5 Jemn t hn te trubici nahoru a sm rem od b icha a se bal nek dotkne vnit...

Page 20: ...ut podr d n ed m otok bolestivost vy teplota vyr ka hnis nebo gastrointestin ln pr sak Zkontrolujte zda pacient nejev zn mky tlakov nekr zy poprask n k e nebo hypergranulace tk n O ist te m sto stomat...

Page 21: ...t med moderat modstand 5 Inspicer sondens hele l ngde for eventuelle uregelm ssigheder 6 Sm r spidsen af r ret med et vandopl seligt sm remiddel Brug ikke mineralolie Brug ikke vaseline Foresl et kiru...

Page 22: ...i bekr ft sonde position afsnittet ovenfor Retningslinjer for sonde benhed Korrekt sonde skylning er den bedste m de at undg tilstopning og vedligeholde sonde benhed p F lgende er retningslinjer for...

Page 23: ...dbrydning af huden eller hypergranulation v v Reng r stomi stedet med varmt vand og mild s be Brug en cirkul r bev gelse fra sonden udad Skyl grundigt og t r godt Vurder sonden for eventuelle abnormit...

Page 24: 6 M rige sondi otsa vesilahustuva m rdega rge kasutage mineraal li rge kasutage vaseliini Soovitatav kirurgiline protseduur Stamm gastrostoomia 1 Tuvastage keskjoone laparotoomia k igus maolukuti n...

Page 25: ...6 Puhastage vedeliku v i m rdeainej gid sondilt ja stoomilt 7 L kake v limine kinnitusr ngas naha kohale umbes 1 2 mm k rgusele 8 Kontrollige sondi asetust vastavalt eeltoodud sondi asendi kontrollim...

Page 26: ...ngikujulisi liigutusi suunaga sondist eemale Loputage p hjalikult ning kuivatage korralikult Hinnake sondil mis tahes ebakorrap rasuste nagu vigastuse ummistuse v i ebanormaalse v rvumise esinemist Pu...

Page 27: ...D MIC HALYARD 1 2 3 4 HALYARD 1 MIC 2 Luer 1 2 1 2 LV REF 3 5 ml 7 10 ml 3 4 1 2 5 6 Stamm 1 2 10 15 cm 3 cm 3 4 5 6 Babcock 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 MIC ENFit bolus MIC ENFit G MIC ENFit bolus MIC ENF...

Page 28: ...3 5 ml 7 10 ml 7 ml LV 15 ml 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 mm 1 2 3 Luer LV 3 5 ml 7 10 ml 7 ml LV 15 ml 4 5 6 2 3 mm 1 ENFit 10 ml 1 1 2 2 1 2 ml 3 1 2 3 360 4 Luer 5 1 2 3 4 Luer LV 3 5 ml 7 10 ml 7 ml LV 15 ml 5...

Page 29: ...ENFit 3 4 ENFit 5 ENFit 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 3 ENFit 4 5 6 ENFit 7 8 1 8 pH Luer BAL 10 20 360 1 2 mm 1 2 3 ENFit 30 60 ml 4 3 5 MIC 1 844 425 9273 halyardhealth com A Guide to Proper Care A Stoma Site a...

Page 30: ...onfiare il palloncino con 3 5 ml di acqua In caso di sonda di dimensioni standard gonfiare il palloncino con 7 10 ml di acqua 3 Rimuovere la siringa e verificare l integrit del palloncino comprimendol...

Page 31: ...riempireilpalloncinoconlaquantit previstadiacquaeinformareilmedico Nonesercitaremaiforzaeccessivaperrimuoverelasonda Attenzione non cercare mai di sostituire la sonda se non si ricevuto un adeguato ad...

Page 32: protocollo dell istituto e o chiedere istruzioni al medico Attenzione riempire il palloncino con acqua sterilizzata o distillata non con acqua o soluzione fisiologica La soluzione fisiologica potre...

Page 33: ...edzenam vajadz tu sl d t gar zondi ar m renu pretest bu 5 P rbaudiet zondi vis t s garum attiec b uz jebk diem nel dzenumiem 6 Ieziediet zondes galu ar den sto u lubrikantu Nelietojiet miner le u Neli...

Page 34: ...rt ba 1 Not riet du ap stomas atveri un aujiet tai no t 2 Izv lieties piem rota lieluma gastrostomijas baro anas zondi un sagatavojiet to atbilsto i iepriek min tajiem Zondes sagatavo anas nor d jumie...

Page 35: ...nevis gaisu vai fiziolo isko dumu Fiziolo iskais dums var kristaliz ties un aizsprostot balona v rstu vai l menu bet gaiss var izpl st r un izrais t balona saplak anu P rliecinieties ka izmantojat ie...

Page 36: ...tiniu pasiprie inimu 5 Ap i r kite vis zondo ilg ar n ra koki nors nelygum 6 Sutepkite zondo gal vandenyje tirpiu lubrikantu Nenaudokite mineralin s alyvos Nenaudokite vazelino Si loma chirurgin proce...

Page 37: ...d kl iki ma daug 1 2 mm vir odos 8 Patikrinkite ar tinkama zondo pad tis pagal instrukcijas pateiktas ankstesniame skyriuje Zondo pad ties tikrinimas Zondo pralaidumo gair s Tinkamas zondo skalavimas...

Page 38: ...p liavimo arba vir kinimo trakto drena o vertinkite pacient ar n ra sl gio sukeltos nekroz s odos tr kimo ar audinio hipergranuliacijos po ymi Nuvalykite stomos viet iltu vandeniu ir velniu muilu Val...

Page 39: ...llonb l 4 Ellen rizze a k ls r gz t aljzatot 1 D s 2 C bra Az aljzatnak kev s ellen ll ssal el kell cs sznia a cs ment n 5 Ellen rizze a cs vet teljes hossz ban s gy z dj n meg arr l hogy semmilyen re...

Page 40: ...term ket az elfogadott orvosi elj r soknak s a helyi llami s sz vets gi t rv nyeknek s el r soknak megfelel en kezelje s semmis tse meg Cser l si elj r s 1 Tiszt tsa meg a szt ma k r li b rfel letet...

Page 41: ...s vet majd j rjon el az int zm ny protokolljai szerint s vagy k rje a szakorvos tan cs t Figyelem A ballon jrat lt s hez haszn ljon steril vagy desztill lt vizet Ne haszn ljon leveg t vagy s oldatot A...

Page 42: ...ndes met 7 10 ml water 3 Verwijder de injectiespuit en controleer of de ballon niet beschadigd is door er voorzichtig in te knijpen en zo te controleren of er de ballon niet lekt Inspecteer de ballon...

Page 43: ...ijhetverwijderenvaneensondenooit overmatigekrachtuit Let op probeer nooit om de sonde te verwijderen tenzij u hierin bent opgeleid door de arts of door een andere medische zorgverlener Waarschuwing na...

Page 44: dat gebeurt en noteer de datum en het tijdstip Wacht 10 20 minuten en herhaal de procedure De ballon lekt als er vocht verloren is gegaan De sonde moet dan worden vervangen Een leeggelopen of gesch...

Page 45: ...moderat motstand 5 Kontroller hele lengden av sonden for eventuelle uregelmessigheter 6 Sm r tuppen av sonden med et vannoppl selig sm remiddel Ikke bruk mineralolje Ikke bruk vaselin Foresl tt kirur...

Page 46: ...beste m ten unng tilstopping og opprettholde penheten p F lgende er retningslinjer for unng tilstopping og for opprettholde penheten i sonden Spyl ern ringssonden med vann hver fjerde til sjette time...

Page 47: ...trykknekrose hudskader eller hypergranulasjonsvev Rengj r stomiomr det med varmt vann og mild s pe Bruk en sirkelbevegelse som g r fra r ret og utover Skyll og t rk godt Vurder sonden for uregelmessig...

Page 48: ...wych zg bnik w balon nale y nape ni 7 10 ml wody 3 Zdj strzykawk i sprawdzi szczelno balonu delikatnie go ciskaj c Wzrokowo sprawdzi czy balon jest symetryczny Symetri mo na poprawi delikatnie przesuw...

Page 49: ...b dziemo nawyj zg bnika nale ypowt rnienape ni balonzalecan ilo ci wodyipowiadomi lekarza Niewolnostosowa nadmiernejsi ywceluusuni ciazg bnika Przestroga Nie wolno podejmowa pr by wymiany zg bnika bez...

Page 50: ...k na jego miejscu przy u yciu przylepca a nast pnie post powa zgodnie z protoko em plac wki i lub skontaktowa si z lekarzem w celu uzyskania dalszych instrukcji Przestroga Nale y nape ni ponownie balo...

Page 51: ...a verificar se existem fugas Inspeccione o bal o visualmente para verificar a sua simetria Para que o bal o seja sim trico fa a o rolar suavemente entre os dedos Volte a inserir a seringa e retire tod...

Page 52: ...mia e prepare o segundo as instru es da sec o Prepara o do tubo indicadas acima 3 Introduza com cuidado o tubo de gastrostomia no est mago pelo estoma 4 Encha o bal o utilizando uma seringa Luer macho...

Page 53: ...m que o bal o colapse Certifique se de que utiliza a quantidade de gua recomendada dado que o enchimento excessivo pode obstruir o l men ou reduzir a vida til do bal o e o enchimento insuficiente n o...

Page 54: ...rific vizual simetria balonului Simetria se poate ob ine frec nd balonul ntre degete Se reintroduce seringa i se scoate toat apa din balon 4 Se verific suportul de reten ie extern Fig 1 D 2 C Suportul...

Page 55: ...uce ncet gastrotomia prin stom n stomac 4 Se umfl balonul folosind o sering Luer cu v rf glisant Se umfl balonul LV cu 3 5 ml de ap steril sau distilat Se umfl balonul standard cu 7 10 ml de ap steril...

Page 56: ...lonului iar umflarea insuficient nu va fixa tubul n mod corespunz tor List pentru ngrijirea i ntre inerea zilnic A se evalua pacientul pentru orice semn de durere presiune sau jen A se evalua locul st...

Page 57: ...nly HALYARD MIC 1 2 HALYARD MIC 1 2 3 4 HALYARD 1 MIC 2 1 E 2 D 1 A 2 A LV 3 5 7 10 3 4 1 D 2 C 5 6 1 2 10 15 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 MIC ENFit MIC ENFit R MIC ENFit MIC ENFit C E D A B A C...

Page 58: ...0 965 0 038 6 1 11 2 3 1 MIC 2 LV 3 5 7 10 LV 7 15 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 1 2 3 LV 3 5 7 10 LV 7 15 4 5 6 2 3 1 1 B 1 C 2 B ENFit 10 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 360 4 5 1 2 3 4 LV 3 5 7 10 LV 7 15 5 6 7 1 2 8 4 6 8 ENFit 4...

Page 59: ...59 1 2 ENFit 3 4 ENFit ENFit 5 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 ENFit 3 4 ENFit 5 ENFit 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 3 ENFit 4 5 6 ENFit 7 8 1 8 pH BAL 10 20 360 1 2 1 2 3 ENFit 30 60 4 3 5 MIC 1 844 425 9273 halyardhealth com...

Page 60: ...kutina Vizu lne skontrolujte symetriu bal nika Symetriu dosiahnete jemn m preva ovan m bal nika medzi prstami Znova zave te strieka ku a odstr te z bal nika v etku vodu 4 Skontrolujte vonkaj iu reten...

Page 61: ...cez st mu do al dka 4 Pomocou strieka ky s konektorom typu Luer napl te bal nik LV bal nik napl te 3 5 ml sterilnej alebo destilovanej vody tandardn bal nik napl te 7 10 ml sterilnej alebo destilovane...

Page 62: ...e ak ko vek zn mky bolesti tlaku alebo nepohodlia u pacienta Pos te ak ko vek zn mky infekcie v mieste st my ako je za ervenanie podr denie ed m opuch citlivos zv en teplota vyr ka zahnisanie alebo ni...

Page 63: ...ti po cevki 5 Preglejte cevko po vsej dol ini in se prepri ajte da ni nobenih nepravilnosti 6 Nama ite konico cevke z vodotopnim mazilom Ne uporabljajte mineralnega olja Ne uporabljajte vazelina Predl...

Page 64: ...balon ne pride v stik z notranjo elod no steno 6 S cevke in stome o istite preostalo teko ino ali mazilo 7 Zunanje zadr evalo previdno potisnite do pribli no 1 do 2 mm nad ko o 8 V skladu z navodili v...

Page 65: edem oteklina ob utljivost vro i nost izpu aj gnojno ali gastrointestinalno odtekanje Ocenite ali so pri bolniku prisotni znaki nekroze zaradi pritiska razkroja ko e ali hipergranulacije tkiva Mest...

Page 66: ruisku uudelleen ja poista kaikki vesi pallosta 4 Tarkasta ulkoinen retentiorengas kuvat 1 D ja 2 C Renkaan tulee liukua letkua pitkin niin ett vastus on kohtalainen 5 Tarkasta letkun koko pituus e...

Page 67: ruiskun avulla T yt LV pallo 3 5 ml lla steriili tai tislattua vett T yt vakiokokoinen pallo 7 10 ml lla steriili tai tislattua vett Huomio LV pallon 7 ml n enimm ist ytt tilavuutta tai vakiokokois...

Page 68: ...uden tunnetta Tarkasta onko potilaalla avanteen alueella infektion merkkej kuten punoitusta rsytyst turvotusta ajettumista arkuutta kuumotusta ihottumaa m rk ist vuotoa tai mahansis ll n vuotoa Tutki...

Page 69: och sug ut allt vatten fr n ballongen 4 Kontrollera den externa retentionsballongen fig 1 D och 2 C F stet ska glida l ngs sonden med m ttlig resistans 5 Inspektera hela sondens l ngd med avseende...

Page 70: ...igt verskrid inte en total ballongvolym p 7 ml i LV ballongen och en total ballongvolym p 15 ml i standardballongen Anv nd inte luft Injicera inte kontrast i ballongen 5 Dra f rsiktigt sonden upp t oc...

Page 71: ...ter s kert Checklista f r daglig sk tsel och underh ll Unders k patienten med avseende p eventuella tecken p sm rta tryck eller obehag Unders k stomiomr det med avseende p eventuella tecken p infektio...

Page 72: ...Boruyu ba tan a a bozukluklara kar kontrol edin 6 Borunun ucunu suda z lebilen bir l brikant ile ya lay n Mineral ya kullanmay n Petrol jelatini kullanmay n Tavsiye Edilen Cerrahi Prosed r Stamm Gastr...

Page 73: ...ciltten yakla k 1 2 mm yukar kayd r n 8 Yukar da Boru Konumunu Do rulama b l m ndeki talimatlar do rultusunda boru konumunun do ru olup olmad n kontrol edin Boru Patensi K lavuzu T kanmay nlemenin ve...

Page 74: ...temizleyin Borudan d ar do ru dairesel hareketler uygulay n yice durulad ktan sonra tamamen kurutun Boruda hasar t kanma veya anormal renk de i imi gibi anormallikler olup olmad n kontrol edin Boruyu...

Page 75: ...D MIC 1 2 3 4 HALYARD X 1 MIC 2 1 A 2 A 1 E 2 D REF LV 3 5ml 7 10ml 3 4 1 D 2 C 5 6 1 2 10 15cm 3cm 3 2 4 5 6 2 7 8 1 X 2 3 1 3 4 1 3 T 2 1 3 T 3 T 4 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 038 MIC ENFit MIC ENFit j MIC ENFi...

Page 76: ...7ml 15ml 3 4 5 6 7 2 3mm 1 2 3 3 5ml 7 10ml 7ml 15ml 4 5 6 2 3mm 1 10ml ENFit 1 B 1 C 2 B 2 1 2ml 3 1 2 3 360 4 5 1 2 3 4 3 5ml 7 10ml 7ml 15ml 5 6 7 1 2mm 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 ENFit 30 60ml ENFit 2 2 10 50...

Page 77: ...3 ENFit 4 5 6 ENFit 7 8 1 8 pH 1 BAL 10 20 1 1 4 360 90 1 2mm 1 2 3 ENFit 30 60ml 4 3 5 MRI MIC MRI 1 844 425 9273 halyardhealth com A Guide to Proper Care Stoma Site and Enteral Feeding Tube Trouble...

Page 78: ...2 3 4 Buried bumper HALYARD 1 MIC 2 Luer 1 A 2 A 1 E 2 D REF LV 3 5ml 7 10ml 3 4 1 D 2 C 5 6 1 2 10 15cm 3cm 3 4 5 6 Babcock 7 8 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 T 2 1 3 T T 4 1 2 3 MIC ENFit MIC ENFit K MIC ENFit...

Page 79: ...Luer LV 3 5ml 7 10ml LV 7ml 15ml 3 4 5 6 7 2 3mm 1 2 peel away sheath 3 Luer LV 3 5ml 7 10ml LV 7ml 15ml 4 5 6 2 3mm 1 10ml ENFit 1 B 1 C 2 B 2 1 2ml 3 1 2 3 360 4 Luer 5 1 2 3 4 Luer LV 3 5ml 7 10ml...

Page 80: ...5 ENFit 6 7 ENFit 8 9 1 2 3 ENFit 4 5 6 ENFit 7 8 1 8 pH Luer BAL 10 20 1 2mm 1 2 3 30 60ml ENFit 4 3 5 MRI MIC MR 1 844 425 9273 halyardhealth com A Guide to Proper Care A Stoma Site and Enteral Fee...

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Page 84: ...rkway Alpharetta GA 30004 USA Halyard Belgium BVBA Leonardo Da Vincilaan 1 1930 Zaventem Belgium Sponsored in Australia by Halyard Australia Pty Limited 52 Alfred Street Milsons Point NSW 2061 2 1 Reg...
