Publication Information
Cell Saver
+ User Manual
P/N 130859-US, Manual Revision: AA
Corporation. Haemonetics Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for
any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content
contained in this material. For the purpose of clarity, Haemonetics Corporation
considers only the most recent version of this document to be valid.
Trademarks and
Haemonetics, Cell Saver, Elite, and SmartSuction are trademarks or registered
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Rx Only
Caution: USA Federal Law restricts the sale, distribution, or use of this device
to, by, or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.
Note: Availability of devices may vary from one country or region to another as
a result of specific local regulatory approval or clearance requirements.
Applicable laws may restrict the sale, distribution, or use of this device to, by,
or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.
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