Example 3:
Configure to save the configuration file at 8:00 AM on 5
in the current month, which
may be executed in the second month if the time has passed.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] job saveconfig
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] view momitor
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] time 1 repeating at 8:00 month-date 5 command save
Example 4:
Configure to save the configuration file at 8:00 AM on Friday and Saturday in the
current week, which may be delayed to the next week if the time has passed.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] job saveconfig
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] view momitor
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] time 1 one-off at 8:00 week-day fri sat command save
Example 5:
Configure to save the configuration file at 8:00 on Friday and Saturday every week.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] job saveconfig
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] view momitor
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] time 1 repeating at 8:00 week-day fri sat command
save a.cfg
Example 6:
Configure to save the configuration file five minutes later than the current system time.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] job saveconfig
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] view momitor
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] time 1 one-off delay 5 command save a.cfg
Example 7:
Configure to save the configuration file every five minutes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] job saveconfig
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] view momitor
[Sysname-job-saveconfig] time 1 repeating delay 5 command save a.cfg