undo archive configuration interval
System view
Default Level
3: Manage level
: Specifies the interval for automatically saving the current running
configuration, in minutes. The value ranges from 10 to 525,600 (365 days).
Use the
archive configuration interval
command to enable the automatic saving of the
current running configuration and set the interval.
Use the
undo archive configuration interval
command to restore the default.
By default, the system does not automatically save the current running configuration.
After the execution of this command, the system saves the current running
configuration with the specified filename to the specified path at a specified interval
(the value of the
Configure an automatic saving interval according to the storage media performance
and the frequency of configuration modification:
If the configuration of the device does not change frequently, save the current
running configuration manually as needed
If a low-speed storage media (such as a Flash) is used, either save the current
running configuration manually, or configure automatic saving with an interval
longer than 1,440 minutes (24 hours).
If a high-speed storage media (such as a CF card) is used and the configuration of
the device changes frequently, set a shorter saving interval.
For the distributed device operates in active/standby mode, the current running
configuration is only saved to the AMB, and the SMB cannot save the configuration.
However, the command is executed on both the AMB and SMB to ensure the rollback
of the configuration after the active/standby switchover.
Before executing the
archive configuration interval
command, you must configure the
filename prefix and path of the saved configuration file by using the
configuration location
Configure the system to save the current running configuration every 60 minutes.