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5.2 DVR USB Memory Information
Provides file information for the
connected USB drive.
5.3 DVR Set-up: Feature Setting for
DVR Operation
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight Time Shift
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key
to select On or Off. On temporary
records the current tuned channel.
Timeshift allows the review of current
channel programming that has been
automatically recorded since the last
channel change (maximum record
time is two hours). If the channel
is changed, the Timeshift file is
automatically deleted and the new
channel’s programming is recorded.
Note: The Channel Banner information
is not available when Timeshift is
On. Timeshift must be On to use the
Timeshift to DVR recording feature.
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight Playback Skip Interval
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select: 30 seconds, 1, 5, 10, 30 minute
jumps in playback mode when PAGE
UP/PAGE DOWN keys (25/26) are
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight Save TimeShift as DVR File
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select On or OFF. This feature converts
the current Timeshift file into a DVR
recording. Note: Timeshift must be
ON to use this feature.