B. Gohl
Subtitle Language:
Default Subtitle text language automatically selected if
broadcaster provides Subtitle Service and in multiple languages (see language
selection above). Typically not used in North America.
Default Teletext text language automatically selected if broadcaster
provides teletext service and in multiple languages (see language selection above).
Typically not used in North America.
3.2 TV System
Video Resolution:
Setting the Output
Resolution for HDMI Video. Press
LEFT or RIGHT NAV key or press
List/OK key to display scroll list.
Select 480i, 480p, 720p_60, 1080i_
60, 1080p_30, 1080p_60, By Source
(program will set resolution), By
Native TV (The connected TV must
be capable of full HDMI compliance
to set the microHD output to the
maximum supported resolution)
Aspect Mode:
Setting the Output
Aspect Ratio for Composite and
HDMI Video. Press LEFT or RIGHT
NAV key or press List/OK key to
display scroll list.
No aspect conversion by the
(Picture Source) Good for
4:3 displays, but stretched wide on
widescreen TVs
(Letter Box) Good for 4:3
displays, but stretched wide on
widescreen TVs
Source programming originating
in 4:3 will be letter boxed on a 16:9
Digital Audio Out:
Setting the HDMI
digital audio output mode. Press LEFT
or RIGHT NAV key or press List/OK
key to display scroll list.