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Delete Transponder
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight the transponder to delete
from the Pre programmed TP List.
Press the YELLOW color key
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select Yes to delete only the selected
TP or Del All to delete all transponders
from the selected satellite.
Press Exit several times and a prompt
appears requesting a confirmation to
delete. If you wish to delete the TPs,
select Yes and press OK key. To exit
without deleting the transponders,
select No and Press OK key.
TP Search
Transponder Search for All Channels
or Manual PID Entry
Press the BLUE key
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight Scan Mode
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select Normal: Search TP for available
channels or PID to Manually add a
single channel defined by the User
entered PIDs
Normal Mode
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight FTA Only
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select Yes or No
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight Scan Channel
Press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key to
select TV + Radio, TV only, Radio