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This guide is intended for an individual experienced in performing the various
tasks described, including:
Determining an antenna location with a view of the satellites positions.
Climbing a ladder and working on your roof.
Observing safe working practices around heights and electrical hazards.
Determining if water pipes, gas lines or wires are hidden before drilling.
Using a power drill to drill holes into your house.
Routing cable through walls, crawl spaces or attics.
Safely lifting and securing the 25 lb. antenna assembly.
Grounding the system as recommended in the National Electric Code.
If you don’t feel completely comfortable with these tasks, you may consider
contracting the installation with a local satellite technician.
Web site
provides a free referral service for local
installers. Please visit today!
Installation Guide
Save all original boxes, manuals, accessories and packaging
materials in case it is necessary to return the merchandise.
Before unpacking, assembly or operation of any item, review
the reseller’s warranty, exchange and refund policy.
To simply a first-time install, do not use pre-wire or previously used
coax cables and unknown switches. Do not attempt to use splitters for
simultaneous viewing on multiple receivers. Splitters typically do not
support multiple FTA receivers.