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The orbital position is referenced by the USALS calculation and motor positioning
program, highlight Longitude and press LEFT or RIGHT NAV key for East or West
orbital position. Use the numeric keypad to enter the satellite’s orbital position.
YELLOW color key accepts changes to the satellite name and/or position, BLUE
color key cancels.
Delete Satellite
Press UP or DOWN NAV key to
highlight the satellite to delete from
the Default Satellite List.
Press the BLUE color key
If you wish to delete the highlighted
satellite, select Yes and press OK key.
To exit without deleting the satellite,
select No and Press OK key.
Press EXIT key to save and return to
the main Installation menu
2.2 Antenna Setup
2.2a Motor/Switch Setting
2.2b Limit Setup
2.2a Motor/Switch Setting
Configure the satellite receiver to work
with connected equipment.
- A list of activated satellites
are displayed. Press the LEFT or
RIGHT NAV key or press List/OK
key to display scroll list. If the target
satellite is not displayed, return to
Satellite List 2.1 and activate the