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The beam may produce a deep cut in tissue with little bleeding because the wound is immediately cauterised. Obtain specialist treatment.
There is no immediate remedial measure.
Taking care for your own safety, break contact by switching off or pulling out the plug. If it is necessary to move the casualty without switching
High Voltage
off the supply/use a broom handle or wooden window pole or wear rubber gloves. If the casualty is unconscious and not breathing, check that
the airways are clear and begin artifical ventiltion. Send for an ambulance. If a trained first aider does not arrive quickly and the pulse is absent,
consider carrying out resuscitation.
Remove casualty to fresh air and seek medical attention.
Toxic Fumes
If dust is in the eye, irrigate immediately and with water for several minutes, telling the casualty to hold eyelids apart.
Harmful Particles
In order to meet the requirements of the COSHH Regulations for LEV, the school must operate a strict regime of
filter replacement and/or testing.
Pre-filters, which collect the coarse/solid particles, may need changing every couple of months. The main filter,
which is a combined activated carbon and HEPA filter which is for fine particles and odour, may last six months
to a year (all depending on material & usage).
The latest extraction units are equipped with air flow warning devices to aid the monitoring of efficient filter life.
Please refer to the separate section within the manual.
We recommend that a record of filter life is kept over the period of ownership. This will ensure that a school can
build a service/maintenance record according to HSE guidelines.
The fume and dust-control systems must be properly maintained, tested annually and the filters changed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Used filters should
be sealed into a strong plastic bags before placing them in the waste, please take care to wear the appropriate PPE clothing when dealing with the contaminated filters.
Laser cutters should be stored in secure locations to prevent un-authorised use.
We recommend that they are used only by teachers/technicians that have undertaken suitable training in the use of these machines.
Laser cutters should NOT be left unattended during operation due to risk of fire.
Immediate Remedial Measures
Extraction & COSHH Information
Disposal of Extraction Filters