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At some point during the life of your laser cutter, it may be necessary to use the manual focus probe to set the correct distance between the cutting head and the material.
This probe is located in the white accessories box originally supplied with the laser cutter. This probe often used when the auto focus probe on a laser cutter is either faulty or
damaged, the manual probe will enable you to carry on working with the machine .
A common use for the manual focus probe is when the control panel displays the “working table has reached the limit” message. This will happen when using thin materials
such as paper, textiles, etc and simply means that the upper trip switch in the laser cutter has been triggered before the auto focus probe could focus.
Step 2.
From the main screen on the laser cutter control panel press any directional arrow once to bring
up the carriage moving screen.
Step 1.
Insert the manual focus probe in the hole on the left hand side of the head.
Step 3.
Manually lower the laser bed using the F3 down button on the control panel until the bottom of the
manual focus probe touches the material. This can be gauged easier by looking for the points
B Figure 1
and in
to meet.
Fig 1
Manual Focus Probe
With the laser bed in it’s raised
position and the shown message
is displayed, would indicate that
you will need to use your
manual focus probe.
Pictured above is the manual focus probe.
Step 4.
Once points
have met the machine has now been manually focussed. Simply
manual focus probe, and run your file as normal.