Vehicles with ZMZ4063 and ZMZ40522 engines run on Research Oc
tane Number 9295 gasoline, with ZMZ4061 run on Research Octane Number
76 gasoline and with GAZ560, GAZ5601, 5602 and Sofim 8140.43 engines –
on diesel fuel (see subsection “Equivalents of Fuels, Oils, Lubricants and Flu
Coast when the engine starter key is in position III is strictly prohibited
because in this case the steering control might be accidentally locked by the
antitheft device.
It is prohibited to close the doors with the button pushed down into the
“Locked” position. It may cause the damage of the lock.
Do not reset trip distance counter when the truck is running since this
might cause the damage of the counter.
After engine
washing in cold weather it is necessary to warm it up for 5–
10 minutes at different speed to remove water from toothed pulleys and cam
shaft drive belt.
Do not run the engine
when alternator drive belt is loose for it will cause
the sharp decrease of braking efficiency.
For liquid coolant draining the hose is fitted to monoblock
cock. With
out the hose liquid coolant will not drain fully from the monoblock.
To avoid camshaft toothed timing belt slipping that leads to damage of
valve timing gear parts, do not throw hot water on the engine
to facilitate its
To avoid oil leakage from GAZ560, GAZ5601, 5602 engines through the
seals, do not disconnect crankcase ventilation system hose from the intake pipe.
When engine runs do not keep the steering wheel turned as far as it will go
for more than 15 sec because it may cause the damage of power steering
Do not start the engine when the level of oil in power steering
tank is not
The exhaust system of the vehicles with ZMZ40522 engine is equipped
with catalyst converter (mounted on some of the vehicles).
To ensure the proper operation of the converter it is necessary to use un
leaded gasoline with Research Octane Number 92, only.
The converter can also go out of order when the ignition system of the
engine misfires, because in this case the gasoline that failed to burn will enter
For GAZ560, GAZ5601, 5602.
For vehicles with power steering.