GTN Xi Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Rev. 1
Page 7-18
7.3.5 Traffic or Weather System
Perform the appropriate interface check for the traffic or weather system. Additional GTN Xi
configuration steps are not required for replacing a traffic or weather device with an equivalent unit. Ryan TCAD Traffic System Interface Check
If a Ryan TCAD has been connected to the GTN Xi, the traffic interface should be verified as described in
this section.
1. Navigate to the
page on the GTN Xi from the home page.
2. Verify that “NO DATA” is not displayed in yellow in the center of the
3. Using the SHIELD SETUP under the Traffic menu, verify that the shield mode can be changed. ARINC 429 Traffic System Interface Check
If a Garmin GTS 8XX Traffic system, L-3 Communications SKY497/SKY899 SkyWatch
sensor, or a
Honeywell (Bendix/King) KTA 810 TAS/KMH 820 IHAS has been connected to the GTN Xi through
ARINC 429, the traffic interface should be verified as described in this section.
1. Navigate to the
page on the GTN Xi from the home page.
2. Verify that “NO DATA” is not displayed in yellow in the center of the
3. If the GTN Xi is configured to control the traffic system, verify that the traffic system mode can be
changed from STBY to OPER.
4. Switch the traffic system mode to STBY, and then run the traffic self-test from the menu.
5. Verify that the traffic system executes a self-test and that a self-test pattern is displayed on the
GTN Xi traffic display.
6. Restart the GTN Xi in Configuration mode.
7. On the
page in the External Systems page group, verify that there is data displayed in the
Altitude field. Stormscope
Interface Check
If an L-3 Communications WX-500 Stormscope has been connected to the GTN Xi, the Stormscope
interface should be verified as described in this section.
1. Navigate to the
page on the GTN Xi.
2. Verify that “STORMSCOPE FAILED” is not displayed in yellow in the center of the
3. Verify that the Stormscope mode can be changed from
, and vice versa.