Instruction 1.0
In an "Element Screen" jumps to a specific element number (similar to “Next/
Prev”). Upon pressing “jump” the message “Jump to element __” appears, enter
the element number and press “Enter”.
In a "Non-Element screen" jumps to a specific address (screen). Upon pressing
“jump” the message “Jump to screen __” appears, enter the direct screen number
and press “Enter”.
Select an option from alpha numeric parameters.
scroll the screen when the number of display parameters exceeds 12 rows.
change the number of the element in a designated screen. For example: when entering
“Program programming” you will always access “Program No. 1”. In order to go to program No. 2
press “Next”. In order to return to “program No. 1” press “Prev”. Please remember that "jump" takes
you directly to the required element number.
moves the cursor in programmable screens.
confirms parameter changes, confirms actions when required.
Upon accessing a screen containing programmable data the cursor is above the first programmable data.
Use the arrow keys to navigate between data – the cursor moves accordingly. To change parameters:
type the required numeric value or press ”Select” to choose from the alpha numeric options (while the
cursor is on the parameter). Confirm the change by pressing “Enter”. When you have finished editing
all of the parameters on the screen press “Esc” and then “Enter” to confirm the changes.
The following examples show how to navigate and edit.
In order to enter the parameter “Water Required” in Irrigation Program No.5:
Step 1:
Press the function key “Head 1” in the “Main Screen” to access the “Head 1 Status” screen (1).
Step 2:
Press the function key “Prgrm Sequnc” (Programs Sequences) to access the “Irrigation
Program” screen (12).
Step 3:
Press the function key “Prgrms Prog.” (Program Programming) to access the “Irrigation
Program” screen (122) program No.1.
Instead of carrying out steps No. 1 – 3 you can simply press “Jump” and enter the direct
access no. (122) and then press “Enter” to directly access the “Irrigation Program”.
Step 4:
Press “Next” 4 times to access program No.5 or press “Jump” and type the number of the
required program (in this example – 5) and then “Enter”
1. Preface