Maintenance of Splicing Quality
Replace Wind Protector Mirror
Replace the wind protector mirror if it cannot be cleaned or if it remains clouded.
To replace, do the following.
Turn the splicer power off.
Open the wind protector. Pull and unlock wind protector mirror latch with
fingers. While still pulling on mirror latch, use other hand’s fingers to pull on
wind protector mirror frame. The frame should raise and rotate back. Pull out
the mirror from its frame.
Insert the new mirror into the frame. The clear glass side should face upward
while inserting mirror into the frame. Look into the mirror obliquely to
identify. If it is the correct side, the black line can be seen.
•Make sure the wind protector mirror is inserted the correct way. If not,
the fiber cannot be observed correctly.
•Wind protector mirror Fujikura part number is
Right Side
Black Line
Reverse Side
No Black Line
Pull Wind Protector Mirror
Wind Protector Mirror
Wind Protector
Mirror Latches
Latch off with Finger