Scenario 1:
The system can’t find the last network that it was
connected to. For example, the Repeater is a new unit which
was never previously joined a network.
Scenario 2:
The system scans and finds the last network it
was connected to, and joins that network.
Scenario 3:
The system can’t find any networks at all.
Scenario 1
If the unit can’t find the last network that it was connected to
(for example, it’s a new unit), the unit will display all the
networks that are in range:
Where # is the number of networks found
Once the scan has been completed the following screen
If more than one network was found, the user will need to
select the network ID that he wants to connect to. The user
uses the
button to scroll through the Network IDs. The
relevant network is selected using the
Network 1:
ID: 014.061.082
Network 2:
ID: 021.207.175
Network 1:
ID: 014.061.082
Network 2:
ID: 021.207.175
Rescan networks
Scan complete
Scan for network
Scan for network
Found # network